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Sunday, August 31, 2008

It never sucks to be alive-Acknowledgement of pain !My advice to an old friend

I left this as a comment on someone else's blog, but during the course of the moment, i managed to acknowledge and embrace a painful past moment and therefore the repost here on my blog.
Here goes

I said...

It is a well written article whose writer largely draws from the writing style of classic novels from the 1880-1920s.Better than most tabloids that take pains to describe the hair color of the woman that he opened doors for.Having said that, But , if someone actually during the course of the interview actually thought that it was okay to ask him a question like "Are you lonely?" at this crucial juncture of his life, hmmmmmmm,what can i say? A delicate question at a most inopportune vulnerable moment?They could have rather NOT ASKED HIM, if he was lonely.

Either ways,  Sweetie, If during the course of the interview if you actually said something like what they quote you said which goes much like
QUOTE"Sometimes it sucks to be alive," he says.UNQUOTE,

I have to take the time to tell you that It never sucks to be alive..sure there are moments we feel that it sucks,,but, trust me,,This sucking moment that you think will never pass, actually passes and a couple of years down the line, you sit and muse at how pained you must have been at the past moment when you actually said to yourself that it sucks to be alive.

Trust me..I know that you think that your life is defined by your guitar and your music alone.As wonderful as your music and talent in music is, I would probably hold you in high regard even if you had not been good at music , had you still continued to be this person with much insight and wonderful words.

Even if you had not been a musician and had i met and had you been as smart and insightful in your observations on life as you are now (have always been), I would have still liked you ..

It would still not have sucked to have been alive , you see....So,,Hold on and the moment shall pass.

Why I take pains to say these things in elaborate comments each time is because, you say and do and react to things in the exact manner that i do and then I feel this moral responsibility to reach out to you .

Two years ago, inspite of being the enterprising person that i was and am, i ended up saying over the phone to my sis , something like , " NOw that i am born, i have to live , right?I can't stop being born just coz this moment is too tough to deal with , right?"

days after that , i was baffled that i was in such a down place at the moment that i said such words to my sister on the phone.

Time has passed.Many things happenned since then.I am as enterprising as always.

A couple of years down the line,,I wonder at that moment , I can't recall the pain..but tell myself that the pain must sure have been too much back then for me to have said that ...

So, yeah, trust me, the pain passes..It goes away and you forget how it felt.hugs and much love.
be a good boy, don't lose yourself..k?
August 31, 2008 11:08 PM

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Window patches-Headache and distance

Time to paint again. is so amazing how a person can be so so far away from you and yet hold this influence on you to such an extent that they are capable of causing a headache to you with each stupid cocky thing they do .Hmmmmm..Or is it that i am talking this person too seriously to let them affect me so much ?

The unraveling of a distorted personality!

Hmm....If you follow a musician from obscurity to stardom, what do you get?
An unraveling of a very distorted personality, who perhaps is full if insecurity, confused and perhaps is a closet womanizer too?
A closet womanizer who desperately is trying to pass of a sensitive guy with tons of talent.
What i essentially learned also is that, there is just a possibility that a person is immensely talented in one field and here in this case , music, might still be very not so accomplished in other fields , aka , morality, or conscience or confidence.

To quote him in his own words, "you cannot have it all" So yeah...For all i know,, as more years pass by, he will end up a very talented musician with a harem full of ex girlfriends and a drinking habit and whatever...

Just because he is not cheating on the woman while he is dating her and then breaks up , he cannot be acquitted of being a womanizer.

I mean, you date a woman, you break up with her , coz you want to go out with another woman and then again, break up with her coz another woman comes along and then another and then another...surely, there seems to be an essense of womanizing still, ya know ?

you may not cheat on one woman to be with another at the same time, but serially breaking up with woman after woman who were not apparently right for you in the first place is a sign of hmmmm,whatever.

You just want to try them out one after another , though you know they are not the right ones for you..IT is like you are living out your insecure fantasies..I am starting to second guess you .seriously.!
A feeling of disenchantment has come over me ...and I attempt of move on ,

Friday, August 22, 2008

Clarity in January---Relationship chemisty and dynamics

Ya know..I had a moment of clarity, a moment of deep realization of what i really wanted out of love and whom i perhaps might be really really happy with as a life partner.
There are times when in your superficial conscious thought process, you have very romantic ideas about what kind of a person would make you happy.some of these ideas may not really work for you coz your superficial conscience might not be really aware of what your inner conscience really really wants.
That day in january, that is exactly what i found out about myself..
I used to think that a really smart guy who is witty and talented would just be able to make me happy. I would not necessarily need a doctor to tickle my senses though given the fact that i am doctor myself, choosing a fellow doctor would be the wiser choice.
There is always this thought process that 'once a doctor , always a doctor' and a doctor would be most happy with a fellow doctor.I as a revolutionary in all possible areas in life, wanted to disprove that theory.As in , I thought that if i can convince myself of the POTENTIAL SMARTNESS of a potential suitor and be sure that he could become a doctor had he applied to med school., ie that he has the smartness in him to do so though he perhaps has ended up in another profession. Ya know, all tha tmatters is he is smart .
So yeah.I had this tall lanky really smart musician in mind.>He is really smart.Is he smart enough to survive med school had he chosen to enter med school?I have no idea.But, I thought that that he would have managed to do so had he chosen it.I thought that since he is smart enough to hold a conversation , say and write complicated things that were similarly complicated to what i thought and said and wrote..I thought, "hey, what the heck, He will be right for me..I will feel as intellectually stimulated with him if at all i decide to go after him(not that i wanted to or was planning to go after him, It was all just a projected speculation) .. I don't really need to discuss specific surgical procedures with my life partner each night when i am back from work to feel the connection.But, looks like, I do indeed want exactly that.I want someone who actually understand the exact spectucularness(yeah, i made that word up) of my miniscule skills in surgery.unless the guy is a surgeon himself , he won't be able the understand the splendor of my skills, will he? Just like , unless i am a fairly accomplished guitar player myself, i won't be able to exactly understand how good he is at guitar.It is like this..He might vaguely understand that i am hell of a great doctor and surgeon and I might vaguely understand that he is a hell of a musician..But will that satisfy each other ?Or would each of us need a fellow of our own field to understand the full detail of our respective skills? it gets frustrating when your partner is only blindly in awe of your talents.It almost feels like thier admiration is insincere ...afterall,, he is not going to know the exact sutures or anything to be able to be a good judge of whether i am indeed a great surgeon or not..The same way, I am not going to know the exact nuances of guitar playing to be able to judge and then certify in all sincerity if all at all he is the greatest guitarist of all time..Yeah? Well ! That is what i am getting at.
NOw, then in january, after a long time, i got an opportunity to interact with an 'all doctors group.', all sitting and discussing stuff and we all , many of us women, some of them men , but all doctors, happenned to discuss marriage and last names and first names and all that jazz...ya know what, we were not even discussing medicine, but that one day of just being with fellow docs gave me such undescribable joy , much more than all the interaction that i had been having the past month prior to that , discussing the complicated ideas that this musician was putting forth-(though in my mind i had at that time of discussing those complicated mind ideas , had myself thought that any discussion with any doc will not be able to match this interaction i was having with this musician.Also that was what the mind of mine told me then)...Now, just in one day,, i knew where my real happiness lay..I mean..I myself didnt know that i was also a slave of familiar circles..or was it the prestige of the 'elite doctor tag'.."WE, the intelligent docs" that kinda thing...Maybe i am wridden by this 'super ego doc complex' too..And maybe nothing less than a doctor will do for me ... Anyways, this interaction with other docs, amidst prolonged interactions with this interesting smart musician, provided me an immediate contrasting comparison ... allowed me to reach to a personal revelation.I do have a comfort zone ..Hmmmm.(i have no idea where this blog entry is going..I am just rambling like crazy..LOL)
So, yeah..Any handsome vegan doc,,young and tall , with a great six pack abdomen,who perhaps is into nature and never married, who is reading this and is also looking..Please do comment or write to me.LOL
The musician...You have to argue your case buddy..or maybe you need to stary applying to med schools..LOL

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

stagnation amongst chaos

you know, this stagnation of thoughts ,REal workable ideas stop occuring amidst a choas of non workable chaotic thought pattern.
I psychiatry, that would be Racing thoughts and might then lead to a diagnosis of obsessive compulsive-maniac depressive disorder..gosh,,,maybe a lil bit schizophrenia or maye a lil bit of anxiety disorder...hmmmmmm.
Yeah..there is some stagnation amongst choas that happens in my head from time to time..naaah..i don't want any medication ..LOL..
All i meant to say was that chaos will never lead to progress.Choas will only led to further entanglement and confusion and everything coming to a standstill.
Clarity is so important.
And yeah, amidst all the choas..suddenly i do have a moment of clarity which then leads to a breakthrough..So perhaps all that chaos is just that process of setting right and solving the jigsaw puzzle.
So, i now have to tell myself..AFter all that chaos, I am going to come to a point of clarity.So, while i struggle to stay afloat amidst all that chaos, i need to remember that there is an outcome of clarity and a breakthrough .

Trust is such a fickle thing

For one moment when your mind is filled with unquestioned trust, everything this person says sounds true..The tears, the emotion, the hurt in the eyes look all so true.
And suddenly for a moment, you go in your head,"Wait a min. would this mean this instead of that? "
seeds of distrust are sown in the mind , upon which every previous tear that looked real now looks like the ones that came out of a different reason.Ya know.Trust is like that...It colors the vision and the perspective

Monday, August 18, 2008

Can't really stand back, can I?

Two emails since that last post..
So yeah, Just can't stand back.What can I do?I am not made that way.
Kindness and concern flows from me no matter what..I am a sucker for kindness like that..LOL

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I am going to stand back and watch-no place for doled out kindness in love !

It is just not warranted for me to get desperate in trying to not allow someone else to make the same kind of mistakes i once did.
It baffles me how the life incidences in this person's life are happenning in the exact sequence and exact manner that i experienced when I was 21.I wonder what happenned to him when he was 21..Well, I am 29 and hopefully wiser for long.
He is 30 , and now , And now,,he goes through the same damn things i went through, does the same things the same way i did , and this includes mistakes as well as the rights...We are doing the same right things and the same wrong things..And this sucks ..LOL
Now..At this juncture..what must i do?
I did tell him at the outset that i didn't want him to do what i did, which i suspected he would end up doing coz i thought or perhaps still think he is like me.
Now he is at the next exact juncture like i was so many years ago., and instead of walking away after having made the right decision, I went back out of kindness.The kindness ,which on retrospect ,was not needed, given the fact that the recepient of this kindness saw my coming back to them as some kind of limitation of mine, something that i personally had out of it.They perhaps thought, come on, She never came back she was just too kind , She just came back coz she had something that she got out it.
I think worthless losers tell that to themselves.They tell themselves all things of denial which makes their lives a lil bit more bearable to them.
Anways !
You see, people who are down and out there ,are so completely messed up, due to repeated disrespect, that they start suspecting anyone who might offer them kindness for nothing back.
Since then i have learned that ,no matter how much of an urge I might have to just dole out kindness and expect nothing in return, it still matters how the receipient of that kindness views it.If this unconditional kindness is viewed as some kind of major obligation i had coz of which i acted kind, It is like a slap in the face.Ya know.You feel it was better had i let it all go and never had shown any kindness.
Anyways..I feel , He is going to do the same stupid mistake i did way back.Go and call back someone who never worked out in the first place..All just out of kindness.Seriously..Not worth it..Not worth it.
I realized that there is no place for kindness in real love.Real love is sharing .Not kindness.
So yeah.I am tired of trying real hard to prevent others from making the same mistake as me.I just have to let him make that mistake if he has to..but, it saddens me that it will be filled with regret if he does do that mistake.
Gosh..what a predicament..
So, for now, all i can do is stand back and watch.
No more frantic latters saying how much he must think before making a move and never make decisions in romance out of pure kindness..Kindness figures in charity, not in love.Kindness with no love makes the romance equation senseless and meaningless and tasteless too..
If you are reading this, sweetie, don't do it.Let it go..let it go...Something better is on the way.Trust me..It is !...Just let this go .It isn't right for you now, it never will grow into anything right or better over time.It just will be the same old incompatible thing even if there is tons of kindness involved.Trust me .

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The percentages of giving me a headache

The percentages...
The incidence of
The prevelance of
The rates
The rate increase
the difference in rates
The percentage of this race or that race in alchoholics
The percentage of all child abuse cases that are females
The percetange of all suicides that are adolescents
The percentage of decrease in death rates in people above 85
The percentage of pregancies in sexually active teenage girls
The percentage of AIDS case who are fully blown
Seriously, the percentages
The percentages are just giving me a headache.
Gosh..yet,, I have some precentages to assimilate..
Gosh, the headache, the headache, it throbs.
It just throbs.
The percentages..Can some stop the percentages from increasing?
Written byDr.A.R aka Le Cinq Blog
Copyright 2008 All rights reserved

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yoko ono and Basquiat !

Till i read up on her ,yoko that is, I never knew that she was an artist in her own right and she was an artist long before she met John Lennon.( and I mean, IS an artist ,she prolly released music in 2007 too).My only info so far about Yoko has been what i read about her in wikipedia, and here i have to stop and insisit that starting something like wikipedia was such a good idea...
But having said that,everyone needs to remember that wikipedia is a people edited encyclopedia and therefore is bound to have mistakes or rumors ,sometimes till someone else is intelligent enough to edit them out.but for most part, I AM HAPPY WITH WIKIPEDIA.
Coming back to yoko, looks like Lennon met her while he was still married to his previous wife.Infact , apparently he had come to see her art exhibits while he was still married to his then wife and looks like two years down the line they were together or some such.
Digressing as usual but just had to butt in and say how it is sad when married men somehow manage to have affairs, Married people in general ! I mean, if they are in a miserable marriage(which is a possibility given how people are just so in love with this idea of marriage or are so in need of temporary companionship that they choose to marry any odd person whom they are not that into but will still marry just for the selfish reason that for a temporary time they don't  want to be lonely,hmmm-very sad!-I always have to add my social commentary everywhere,no?..gosh !).
So yeah , anyways ,coming back to Yoko, looks like, in that exhibiton of her art work, she had this wall full of nails and each person who visited the art exhibition was invited to nail down one  nail into that wall of nails with a hammer.Very interesting concept..Looks like I might like her works of art...Must check more of them out, including her music.
It is a pity  that people only think of her as this person who married Lennon.I mean,given the fact that she is an artist in her own right,she has more to her than just being lennon's wife or lover.which i never knew about till i looked her up on wikipedia.
Speaking of unique art let us talk about Basquiat.
Looks like he has this habit of labelling stuff in his paintings.I had a look at his paintings after watching a film about him.You know what? when i sketch, especially with ink , i tend to label stuff too....
way back when i was 12, i made a funny cartoonish sketch of my mom and labelled all the body parts with funny captions and commentary..I stuck it inside the cover of my red diary..I think ( i hope) that piece of sketch is still there at my parents.
All these artists,, they are all disturbed or messed up in some ways right? is that what causes the heightened sense of perception ?prolly..
Eventually they are looking to sell this high art to make a living , right?
I am working on novels and books which will be ready in a couple of years, I am also working on a cookery show project which will be presentable in another couple of years, right?
Eventually, it all comes from exposing myself to a lot of people, many of them not so good, and that kinda makes me aware of the pain on the surface of this earth, the twistedness and what not and that is what gives me material for my stories..
well,,if i only get exposed to good, would I  still write stories?.. the twistedness is what is gonna help me write..
it is almost like being a physician. I depend on sick people to make my living, but that doesn't necessarily mean that i want people to get sick...Ya know..
So yeah, what i was trying to get at is,In my opinion, artists(real ones-not the fake mediocre ones) , they are blessed or rather cursed by a heightened perception of things around them that kinda makes them create the art they create...but then, eventually,that doesn't make them superior coz eventually at the end of it all, they still depend on acceptance or recognition from the not so talented masses to make their living..So it is eventually the not so talented man that is paying for the talented lot...what an irony !

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sleep realizations and preludes to innovations

I dowloaded the free mp3 from yesterday.I heard it.It is fine .Easy hearing.I liked it and heard it again and again a few times.
btw, in the middle of my sleep, i suddenly woke up coz it struck me that this song kinda reminds me of one of John Lennon's song.
The fact that i get up in the middle of my sleep thinking of songs or food recipes or surgical procedures,tells me a lot of myself , btw..Giggles !I think i am special..LOL..No seriously, i do.
Come on ! Archimedes thought of the archimedes principle while soaking in the bath..So, i am thinking now that perhaps i am innovator material too.yay.
speaking of which, did you know that the benzene structure was figured out in sleep too, when the person dreamed of a snake eating it's own tail and therefore finally figured that Benzene had a ring structure.
More science and innovator stories in coming blogs.BTw,I have five different blogs which are strakly different in their topics and contents.Take your time to browse around .

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Clearing up the Living room clutter

Written by Dr.A.R aka Le Cinq BlogCopyright 2008 Le Cinq Blog aka Dr.A.R All rights reserved.
After weeks of just staring in disgust around me in the living room, finally, Finally, I cleaned it up.I have to clear it right at the beginning that i am not one of those filthy slobby people at all.But time and again, either my kitchen or the bedroom or the living room sure ends up with things all over the place.I like spic and span places,not that i am a neat freak, but i do like things placed neatly so that i don't feel like throwing up each time i have a look at my home.
So yeah, for one, i don't have enough storage space in my home in the form of shelves.I never puchased any solid furniture since when i first moved in, I was gonna stay only for a year in that city...hmmmm. I just wanted to limit my heavy furniture purchase to nada, just so that i can avoid the sentimental blues that accompany parting with something i have used at home.I am stupidly sentimental about stuff.
Anyways, suddenly ,coffee mugs get left behind , then a plate with the last smears of hummus that i just polished off gets left out sitting there on the table and then the hummus dries out on the plate, while i have moved on to more adventurous things like tortilla chips with salsa or pototo then, i gather up the week's newspapers and then read them all on one fine day of idleness..then ofcourse, sometimes i leave that pile of newspapers right there on the floor..Then ofcourse , suddenly the impulse to paint occurs to me..Then i do a bit of oil paints and when i am done, I pack everything back up except the canvas or sketchbook just to let the paint dry up before i can close the book..Needless to say, the brushes are also left to dry..yeah..we end up with paint book and brushes lying around too which i conveniently forget to pack up once the paint dries..Coz ofcourse i have moved on to other things like knitting the rest of my scarf..I finish up the scarf but leave behind the bag of wool balls lying around near the couch.Then ofcourse suddenly i have the craving for popcorn...after eating most of the popcorn, the unpopped corn grits still lay there at the bottom of the bowl and yeah , the bowl is precariously placed beside the TV and quietly forgotten.
All this comes to a halt when too many things are precariously placed here and there and i have to limit my walking space and ofcourse, a few favorite ceramic bowls that had been sitting on an edge then fall down and break..LOL
Finally, i cleaned it all up,,Infact, i figured that putting away even the meagre sidetables and stuff is what is going to save my soul..I cleared up everything..Now i have enough visible floor space so that i can dance around(but sadly i can't go beserk with the dancing coz i live on the topmost (top most but one) apartment of the highrise and the people downstairs don't even want to hear my footsteps.Ofcourse, now i have enough floor space to do my morning stretch exercises..
Yay, with my cleaning up,, It almost looks like there is so much space available now on the surface of feels great !
BTW,,If you thought i was a teenager, i have to mention that i was a teenager ten years ago ...poor me..I still have a teenager hangover.
Written by Dr.A.R aka Le Cinq BlogCopyright 2008 Le Cinq Blog aka Dr.A.R All rights reserved.No part of my blog is to be copypasted or reproduced in any form original or plagiarized on any other site or outside of the internet with my prior written permission.You can link to my blog only after permission.Under no condition are you allowed to post any part of my work including a sampling .You can only post a link and that too only after my permission and that is as much as you get .If you still lack integrity or self respect and post slightly modified forms of my blog entries, I shall come after you and haunt you -cough cough -hunt you down !

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Christmas music-Happiness and stress

Written by Dr.A.R aka Le Cinq BlogCopyright 2008 Le Cinq Blog aka Dr.A.R All rights reserved.
First off, I am not a christian.I am agnostic.That point aside,i really really love holiday music and i like the holiday season too.

The songs just lift me up to happiness for some reason.I love love love the fruit cake...I seriously do .I like the colors and the lights too..I don't quite like the bickering over gifts and the stress people go through to buy gifts that others won't hold them against at a later point of time.I hardly give gifts to other people at this time.Thinking of which, I think that when i start my own practice(which i really hope i do ), i might have to give some gifts to all of my assistants at the clinic...I am not sure what i can give them without sounding too pal like and yet not appear too careless...I am gonna give them a large fruit cake each...Ideal, non committal gift and maybe a good bonus to go with the fruit cake with seal the deal.

Btw, coming back to christmas music,I think i like it primarily because it coincides with the newyear and during my childhood, this time around, the 'mom and pop' grocery stores would put out extra shelves full of paper stars and tons and tons of greeting cards--I used to love browsing all the cards and admiring the pictures..I would have to say that i had an eye for good photography back then too.Meanwhile, my mom suddenly also decided that i would be her personal shopper as far as greeting cards are concerned..She has almost more than half a dozen siblings and most of them were married and spread out in different, that meant,i had to go shop for 7 families,their own personalized flowered greeting cards(that was what my mother wanted to be on all the greeting cards) and then she also kinda made me her personal secretary too...perhaps she thought i wrote better verses...Yeah,,,i was all of 11 yrs old and i shopped for greeting cards and colored scented envelopes and then i used to write them out and then wrote the addresses too and then stick the stamps and then post them too...I used to enjoy that job back then coz that gave me an official reason to browse and browse at each of those shops -which btw were around 7-8 of them all on one street one after another (wonder how they all made business) and i used to hop on and hop off at each store and then finally decide what to buy and then go for another round of hopping on and hopping off and this time around i would buy them.

I digress so much, If i ever wrote a Novel, it would be far too long ..seriously !

so yeah, that is perhaps why the music associated with that time of the year really imprinted in my head as happy music..I did that shopping for cards and such for four straight years till finally, I don't remember what happened but i stopped doing that.

Also, we used to have this devout christian teacher at school, who used to make special efforts to stage a theatrical presentation each Christmas..My sister was invariably in that theater presentation and also in the choir that accompanied the theatrical presentation( i never auditioned , and on retrospect i seriously wish i had auditioned for the choir if not for the theatrical presentation) yeah..this theatrical presentation would then be followed by distribution of trinket gifts to everyone..that perhaps added to the happy association factor too
Meanwhile, weeks prior to the actual presentation, each evening, my sister would come home and practice the songs and i learned them just by overhearing her well..that is perhaps why i associate happiness with that time of the year and that music..
So, all these years since the age of 11 till music meant sudden happiness no matter what circumstances i am actually surrounded by at that time..but last christmas..i went through immense stress..absolute immense stress which i could have avoided had i been more focused and more careful and well..i spent the whole of pre and post christmas under immense stress and now all that happy association with holiday music has disappeared into thin air..Nothing is left of it ...see, how there is overlay of memories? and now , each time i play holiday music, my stomach starts to churn..and it is all stress now..awwww.what a loss !
Written by Dr.A.R aka Le Cinq BlogCopyright 2008 Le Cinq Blog aka Dr.A.R All rights reserved.No part of my blog is to be copypasted or reproduced in any form original or plagiarized on any other site or outside of the internet with my prior written permission.You can link to my blog only after permission.Under no condition are you allowed to post any part of my work including a sampling .You can only post a link and that too only after my permission and that is as much as you get .If you still lack integrity or self respect and post slightly modified forms of my blog entries, I shall come after you and haunt you -cough cough -hunt you down !

Friday, August 1, 2008

An incomplete life

BlogCopyright 2008 Le Cinq Blog aka Dr.A.R All rights reserved
The definition of an incomplete life !
hmmmm..Sometimes i just look at other people and say to myself,"Boy ! what an incomplete life.To me i view them as having missed out on this and that..on having missed out on a college education and on missing out moment of pride career wise and what not"
And then suddenly the other day I sat there and mused that perhaps some other people view my life as incomplete when they consider things that they have done in life and have learned from them in some strange way and i have not..
That is when it dawned on me and these thoughts crossed my mind, much as many other spectacular sentences come across to me esp at moments when i am far too lazy to jot them down.So this time around, the lazy ass me just got up and grabbed a notebook and jotted down my idea of an incomplete life.
Written by Dr.A.R aka Le Cinq BlogCopyright 2008 Le Cinq Blog aka Dr.A.R All rights reserved.No part of my blog is to be copypasted or reproduced in any form original or plagiarized on any other site or outside of the internet with my prior written permission.You can link to my blog only after permission.Under no condition are you allowed to post any part of my work including a sampling .You can only post a link and that too only after my permission and that is as much as you get .If you still lack integrity or self respect and post slightly modified forms of my blog entries, I shall come after you and haunt you -cough cough -hunt you down !

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