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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Deconstruction and reconstruction of light,form and vision -painting versus photography

The ability to visually/mentally DECONSTRUCT and then RECONSTRUCT an
image is what makes a painter SUPERIOR to a

Thursday, February 21, 2013


I love doctors.I love that I AM A MEDICAL DOCTOR.
I love medicine, the science of it, the art of it and the general beauty of it.
I love it all
The amazing magical ways of how the human body works-the numerous
processes that occur at so many levels and yet integrate themselves
I love that I BECAME A DOCTOR.
I love that I have such good handskills
I love that I am a female doctor-
I love that I am who I am .
I totally love myself right now and THAT IS SUCH A POSITIVE FEELING!
tAGS:love,love,love :))))))))))))

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The bestest times of my life

Best times of my life so far>1989,1992,early 1999,early
2003(bestest),sep 2007,all summer vacation early mornings at gradmas

Friday, February 15, 2013


Life and People are VERY COMPLEX.There are thousand little facets to
every individual that make them a UNIQUE SET OF

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