Gnarls Barkley has some pleasant hearing to them.
Jamiroquai, ( i did read how they came about naming their band) but they too have a pleasant hearing to them.
Very easy and just flows.
Eventually, music is all about just music, not even the people that sing them or compose them .
After all these days, many behind the scenes people never get credit for their work.
Why i say this is coz i recently learned that All that Rihanna did was sing the song Umberella.she never wrote it, she never composed it.hmmmmm
So, whoever wrote it or composed it just gave it away for a price to her.Not fair..but , hey , whatever.
I heard Blue moon and it just is so amazing, Elvis is amazing, his voice touches the heart.Too bad , most of the songs he sang , were not written by him either, someone wrote them, some composed them, he sang them..much like Rihanna appears to be doing these days...takes away a lot from all those people who wrote and composed, but Elvis did eventually manage to add that soul to each song though.He added that special something to them...But still..hmmmmmm
Mika is good too in his own way...Easy to hear songs,, James blunt..some easy voices, some easy songs, some ease while you drive along...Speaking of driving, i was thinking about an energy solution to all the cars in the powered cars for all the southern sunny states..yes....that would work and yeah wind powere for chicago(LOL--no seriously,,it is absolutely windy year round)..i must go write about solar powered cars in my ecology i go !
Read my other blog some more!
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A piercing stare
Eye contact
Like Sand in my fist
Self perception as a commodity
Two sides of a coin
maniac-depressive disorder
mood disorder
paul mc cartney
Thursday, July 31, 2008
He is not you ,nobody is you, you are you ,and just you are are you !
I sometimes look at other people and muse. Very few people remind me of me.This person for the longest time looked like a mirror image of me.Every lil action reminded me of me.
You know what, finally, i realized that he is not me.
He will never be me.
Nobody is like anybody else.
So, yeah, I must stop sweating it , wanting to 'help' him out by preventing him from doing the exact same things that i did at one point of time and ofcourse those things turned out to be things not worth it.
Everyone has a right to go ahead and do their own mistakes(if at all they are mistakes for them in their lives) and learn from them.
I am myself, they are themselves, and no matter how much the similarity or apparent similarity ("apparent" being very key here) in personality, everybody's situation is so different .Therefore, the plans that i acted upon when i was 21-26, the one that prolly didn't work out for me, but if he at 31 is doing the same thing or apparently what looks like the same thing to me , it is his ballgame.
Do i know what he did from 21-26? no..Maybe he did completely different things and learned different lessons from them and now those lessons have guided him to behave this way at 31, this way, which i imagine is the exact same way i behaved when i was 21...Ya know..It is all confusiing and very relative.
Maybe he is not like me at all.
Maybe what he is doing is not like what i am doing or did, at all.
Maybe he is like me and he is doing the exact same 'mistake' i did, but then, his situation might be so different that the mistake might actually work for him.
No two people are really ever the same.
Even if they are the same, and even if this guy is the exact same as me, I need to stop being the mentor.NO one needs a mentor.Everyone is their own mentor.
Every adult is perfectly capable of taking care of themselves and they must take care of themselves adequately too.
If they don't take care of themselves that is, they learn lessons, valuable or invaluable depending on whether they prevent the lessons from being needed to be reemphasized over and over again.
It suddenly dawned on me , after a couple of years of thinking that this person is like me ..eventually, that no one is like anyone else.
Maybe it is just that i like him so much that i got carried away thinking or wanting to believe that he is like me.AFter all , each of us wants to associate ourselves with what seemingly looks like a great story to be part of.LOL
Maybe i am a great story on my own. Why look for other people and other people's stories to be part of.
One could just learn from a story by being a mere spectator .one doesn't need to be a part of it.
I don't need to associate with people whom i only get to see from far and imagine they are like me.
Most likely they are not like me..
It is only that i want them to be like me or imagine them to be like me, especially since i like this person very much.
Btw,it takes close interaction, one or one , to actually know about another person .
Why exactly am i rambling like an idiot?
Well, i just got blessed with a revelation to my semi delusional mind(this is not any pathological delusion or anything, but most of us , believe it or not, try to ease ourselves through life with the help of small and big delusions) that i am on my own in this world and so is everyone else.
I better stop imagining myself as this guardian angel of this other person, coz , well ! I am not.No one is.hmmmmm
So, yeah, this person is not like me, prolly never was, never will be.I need to stop fretting over this person coz i barely know them.
There is still tons of ramble left in me.But that is for another time, for another blog entry.Coz right now, i just have to go.
I am just going to let go of this image of this person in my head, \coz, that is all it is, an image.
I need to stop wasting my precious energies on trying to connect with people i barely know.I better let go, all for my own good.
You know what, finally, i realized that he is not me.
He will never be me.
Nobody is like anybody else.
So, yeah, I must stop sweating it , wanting to 'help' him out by preventing him from doing the exact same things that i did at one point of time and ofcourse those things turned out to be things not worth it.
Everyone has a right to go ahead and do their own mistakes(if at all they are mistakes for them in their lives) and learn from them.
I am myself, they are themselves, and no matter how much the similarity or apparent similarity ("apparent" being very key here) in personality, everybody's situation is so different .Therefore, the plans that i acted upon when i was 21-26, the one that prolly didn't work out for me, but if he at 31 is doing the same thing or apparently what looks like the same thing to me , it is his ballgame.
Do i know what he did from 21-26? no..Maybe he did completely different things and learned different lessons from them and now those lessons have guided him to behave this way at 31, this way, which i imagine is the exact same way i behaved when i was 21...Ya know..It is all confusiing and very relative.
Maybe he is not like me at all.
Maybe what he is doing is not like what i am doing or did, at all.
Maybe he is like me and he is doing the exact same 'mistake' i did, but then, his situation might be so different that the mistake might actually work for him.
No two people are really ever the same.
Even if they are the same, and even if this guy is the exact same as me, I need to stop being the mentor.NO one needs a mentor.Everyone is their own mentor.
Every adult is perfectly capable of taking care of themselves and they must take care of themselves adequately too.
If they don't take care of themselves that is, they learn lessons, valuable or invaluable depending on whether they prevent the lessons from being needed to be reemphasized over and over again.
It suddenly dawned on me , after a couple of years of thinking that this person is like me ..eventually, that no one is like anyone else.
Maybe it is just that i like him so much that i got carried away thinking or wanting to believe that he is like me.AFter all , each of us wants to associate ourselves with what seemingly looks like a great story to be part of.LOL
Maybe i am a great story on my own. Why look for other people and other people's stories to be part of.
One could just learn from a story by being a mere spectator .one doesn't need to be a part of it.
I don't need to associate with people whom i only get to see from far and imagine they are like me.
Most likely they are not like me..
It is only that i want them to be like me or imagine them to be like me, especially since i like this person very much.
Btw,it takes close interaction, one or one , to actually know about another person .
Why exactly am i rambling like an idiot?
Well, i just got blessed with a revelation to my semi delusional mind(this is not any pathological delusion or anything, but most of us , believe it or not, try to ease ourselves through life with the help of small and big delusions) that i am on my own in this world and so is everyone else.
I better stop imagining myself as this guardian angel of this other person, coz , well ! I am not.No one is.hmmmmm
So, yeah, this person is not like me, prolly never was, never will be.I need to stop fretting over this person coz i barely know them.
There is still tons of ramble left in me.But that is for another time, for another blog entry.Coz right now, i just have to go.
I am just going to let go of this image of this person in my head, \coz, that is all it is, an image.
I need to stop wasting my precious energies on trying to connect with people i barely know.I better let go, all for my own good.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Knowing when to walk away !
I guess it is a very smart thing to walk away at the right time and avoid the damage.Avoid damage to one's own soul so that one is not left seething in anger that one didn't need to subject oneself to such a mess.
Many of us don't walk away at the right time primarily coz we are wridden by an ego that doesn't allow us to accept with a certain amount of humiliation that we were wrong, we were wrong to choose to get into the situation in the first place.We just want to pretend it is all right and get deeper and deeper into the mess out of sheer cockyness.hmmmm
Knowing the right moment to walk away and say with all humiliation "pooh, that was a close call" is the smartest thing to do.
But yeah, sometimes we also don't get out,because we are so distraught that we did a mistake in the first place, we sit there and squalour and squalour some more in that slushy quicksand of a mess, we only sink further. We are so transfixed in the ugliness of someone else , in their pettiness and you can't believe it that you fell for such a fraud, that you sit there and sink somewhere.
Either ways, there is no time to sit and squalour or wilt or glow like an amber in anger.The moment you sense that this is not you signed up for, forget the ego, forget the shock factor, forget the honor, forget the image, just for you life.That is the only way you can save your soul.
Otherwise it ends up tarnished and sad and tired...hmmmmm,,
Written by Dr.A.R aka Le Cinq BlogCopyright 2008 Le Cinq Blog aka Dr.A.R All rights reserved.No part of my blog is to be copypasted or reproduced in any form original or plagiarized on any other site or outside of the internet with my prior written permission.You can link to my blog only after permission.Under no condition are you allowed to post any part of my work including a sampling .You can only post a link and that too only after my permission and that is as much as you get .If you still lack integrity or self respect and post slightly modified forms of my blog entries, I shall come after you and haunt you -cough cough -hunt you down !
Many of us don't walk away at the right time primarily coz we are wridden by an ego that doesn't allow us to accept with a certain amount of humiliation that we were wrong, we were wrong to choose to get into the situation in the first place.We just want to pretend it is all right and get deeper and deeper into the mess out of sheer cockyness.hmmmm
Knowing the right moment to walk away and say with all humiliation "pooh, that was a close call" is the smartest thing to do.
But yeah, sometimes we also don't get out,because we are so distraught that we did a mistake in the first place, we sit there and squalour and squalour some more in that slushy quicksand of a mess, we only sink further. We are so transfixed in the ugliness of someone else , in their pettiness and you can't believe it that you fell for such a fraud, that you sit there and sink somewhere.
Either ways, there is no time to sit and squalour or wilt or glow like an amber in anger.The moment you sense that this is not you signed up for, forget the ego, forget the shock factor, forget the honor, forget the image, just for you life.That is the only way you can save your soul.
Otherwise it ends up tarnished and sad and tired...hmmmmm,,
Written by Dr.A.R aka Le Cinq BlogCopyright 2008 Le Cinq Blog aka Dr.A.R All rights reserved.No part of my blog is to be copypasted or reproduced in any form original or plagiarized on any other site or outside of the internet with my prior written permission.You can link to my blog only after permission.Under no condition are you allowed to post any part of my work including a sampling .You can only post a link and that too only after my permission and that is as much as you get .If you still lack integrity or self respect and post slightly modified forms of my blog entries, I shall come after you and haunt you -cough cough -hunt you down !
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Fred Savage ,Wonder years, and mmmmm JM
well, Wonder years is such a soothing lil piece of work.this one came out when i was about to embark into my very early teens.
Wonder years is perhaps a very accurate description of the real teenage mind.A far cry from the horribly caricatured descriptions of all the teenage characters on Disney channel these days.The characters in these stupid teenage series seems to be only suffering from the Hollywood type of problems. Mainly, THE PROM.I would really wish they made better teenage soaps than the ones that are on now,,not to mention the over exaggeration of the importance of prom and prom night and parties and alcohol and boyfriends and girlfriends.Teenagers have other real problems...why the hell is prom always a theme in all teenage based soaps.Seriously, can they not go back to realistic descriptions?just so that teenagers watching these soaps don't end up thinking that prom is the only important thing in this world..seriously... of course , teenage pregnancy has been glamorized thanks to that idiot teenager from the disney channel.
Anways, Fred savage was kevin in wonder years..He is married now (2 years older than I am )and now produces disney channel soap series..whaoa..sad.Sad not because he is a producer of tv series, not sad because he is married and such, sad because , after having been an actor on wonder years, he still ends up making such caricatured Disney soaps.Come on, I would assume he would have had enough inspiration to produce series that have less fluff and more substance.
.I wish these series were more realistic.
for some reason, when you watch wonder years now, it fills you with nostalgia.
Btw, jay, if you are reading this, i just have to say,,or rather ask you,"did you somehow internalize the wonder years protagonist to such an extent back then that you still have retained those fred savage mannerisms?" No really, each time I see fred savage on the wonder years, i am reminded of you.
there ya go,, gotcha !
Wonder years is perhaps a very accurate description of the real teenage mind.A far cry from the horribly caricatured descriptions of all the teenage characters on Disney channel these days.The characters in these stupid teenage series seems to be only suffering from the Hollywood type of problems. Mainly, THE PROM.I would really wish they made better teenage soaps than the ones that are on now,,not to mention the over exaggeration of the importance of prom and prom night and parties and alcohol and boyfriends and girlfriends.Teenagers have other real problems...why the hell is prom always a theme in all teenage based soaps.Seriously, can they not go back to realistic descriptions?just so that teenagers watching these soaps don't end up thinking that prom is the only important thing in this world..seriously... of course , teenage pregnancy has been glamorized thanks to that idiot teenager from the disney channel.
Anways, Fred savage was kevin in wonder years..He is married now (2 years older than I am )and now produces disney channel soap series..whaoa..sad.Sad not because he is a producer of tv series, not sad because he is married and such, sad because , after having been an actor on wonder years, he still ends up making such caricatured Disney soaps.Come on, I would assume he would have had enough inspiration to produce series that have less fluff and more substance.
.I wish these series were more realistic.
for some reason, when you watch wonder years now, it fills you with nostalgia.
Btw, jay, if you are reading this, i just have to say,,or rather ask you,"did you somehow internalize the wonder years protagonist to such an extent back then that you still have retained those fred savage mannerisms?" No really, each time I see fred savage on the wonder years, i am reminded of you.
there ya go,, gotcha !
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Train, Train ,Train and save room
As i mentioned earlier in one of my previous blogs, I watched a documentary on Elvis and i heard Mystery train..
Since then the tune has really gotten stuck in my head.
Speaking of a tune that is stuck in my head, save room by John legend is very stuck there too.
I have been singing 'save room' over and over...hmmmm
Lyrics for my own reference
"Save Room"[Verse 1] Say that you'll stay a littledont say bye-bye tonightsay you'll be minejust a little bit of loveis worth a moment of your time.Knockin' on your door just a littleso00 cold outside tonightlet's get a fire burning oh I know I'll keep it burning brightif your stay, wont you save, save[Chorus]Save room for my loveSave room for a moment to be with meSave room for my loveSave a little, save a little for meWon't you save a littleSave a little for me[Verse 2]This just might hurt a littlelove hurts sometimes when you do it rightdont be afraid of a little bit of painpleasure is on the other side.Let down your guard just a littlei'll keep you safe in these arms of minehold on to me pretty babyyou will see I can be all you need if you staywon't you save, save[Chorus]
Save room for my loveSave room for a moment to be with meSave room for my loveSave a little, save a little for meWon't you save a littleSave a little for mepa ra pa pa rea pa rpa ra a a a Oh c'mon, make time to live a littledon't let this moment slip by tonightyou'll never know what you're missing'till you try, ill keep you satisfied if you staywon't you save, save[Chorus]Save room for my loveSave room for a moment to be with meSave room for my loveSave a little, save a little for meWon't you save a littleSave a little for me
Train I ride, sixteen coaches long
Train I ride, sixteen coaches long
Well that long black train got my baby and gone
Train train, comin' 'round, 'round the bend
Train train, comin' 'round the bend
Well it took my baby, but it never will again (no, not again)
Train train, comin' down, down the line
Train train, comin' down the line
Well it's bringin' my baby, 'cause she's mine all, all mine
(She's mine, all, all mine)
Train train, comin' 'round, 'round the bend
Train train, comin' 'round the bend
Well it took my baby, but it never will again (no, not again)
Since then the tune has really gotten stuck in my head.
Speaking of a tune that is stuck in my head, save room by John legend is very stuck there too.
I have been singing 'save room' over and over...hmmmm
Lyrics for my own reference
"Save Room"[Verse 1] Say that you'll stay a littledont say bye-bye tonightsay you'll be minejust a little bit of loveis worth a moment of your time.Knockin' on your door just a littleso00 cold outside tonightlet's get a fire burning oh I know I'll keep it burning brightif your stay, wont you save, save[Chorus]Save room for my loveSave room for a moment to be with meSave room for my loveSave a little, save a little for meWon't you save a littleSave a little for me[Verse 2]This just might hurt a littlelove hurts sometimes when you do it rightdont be afraid of a little bit of painpleasure is on the other side.Let down your guard just a littlei'll keep you safe in these arms of minehold on to me pretty babyyou will see I can be all you need if you staywon't you save, save[Chorus]
Save room for my loveSave room for a moment to be with meSave room for my loveSave a little, save a little for meWon't you save a littleSave a little for mepa ra pa pa rea pa rpa ra a a a Oh c'mon, make time to live a littledon't let this moment slip by tonightyou'll never know what you're missing'till you try, ill keep you satisfied if you staywon't you save, save[Chorus]Save room for my loveSave room for a moment to be with meSave room for my loveSave a little, save a little for meWon't you save a littleSave a little for me
Train I ride, sixteen coaches long
Train I ride, sixteen coaches long
Well that long black train got my baby and gone
Train train, comin' 'round, 'round the bend
Train train, comin' 'round the bend
Well it took my baby, but it never will again (no, not again)
Train train, comin' down, down the line
Train train, comin' down the line
Well it's bringin' my baby, 'cause she's mine all, all mine
(She's mine, all, all mine)
Train train, comin' 'round, 'round the bend
Train train, comin' 'round the bend
Well it took my baby, but it never will again (no, not again)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Sunlit Bike rides,boyfriends and watermelons
Here I am watching CNN, peeling a Naval orange and chomping on the juicy pulp that i thrust into my mouth.I sit here and reminisce my rides..motorbike rides on the streets...
The sunlight fell on those buildings just exactly the very way they fell on the buildings five years ago when i sat on the pillion of my then boyfriend's bike..
we rode the same streets in july and the sunlight just fell then and there at that place on the same buildings ,the very same way that i see now as i ride my own motorbike as i pass those very streets..
Newer buildings are up too..some flyovers being constructed too..Metro work and repairs too...
Hmmmmm...the temperature,, just the lil warmth of july in the evenings...hmmmm,.where do the watermelons figure , you ask?
I am coming to that.
In the Summers, when i first became friends with this guy back then, i used to take a cab everyday.
Every single day(like it was some kind of obsession) to this guy's home, and spends hours with him at his home, braving the ghetto(yeah he lived in the ghetto).
Can you imagine taking a cab everyday to a ghetto?...the cab driver rises an eyebrow at why a woman like me is taking a cab right from the medschool to this ghetto..I used to do this...
Now, on retrospect, I am not even sure if he wanted me everyday like that....but one such summer afternoon, when i had gone there to visit him...He briefly went into the other room and reappeared with a small lil watermelon and gave it to me..and it was so hot outside and i had just travelled a distance to reach his home..
i smiled like a child.. grabbed the watermelon and said "for me?"
and then he cut it for me...
Hmmmmm...summer trips .
I even once purchased yellow flowers and a earthern flower pot one day for him and gave it to him ...Not sure he liked them ...but hey , whatever...
Now , it is just, WHATEVER.
The sunlight fell on those buildings just exactly the very way they fell on the buildings five years ago when i sat on the pillion of my then boyfriend's bike..
we rode the same streets in july and the sunlight just fell then and there at that place on the same buildings ,the very same way that i see now as i ride my own motorbike as i pass those very streets..
Newer buildings are up too..some flyovers being constructed too..Metro work and repairs too...
Hmmmmm...the temperature,, just the lil warmth of july in the evenings...hmmmm,.where do the watermelons figure , you ask?
I am coming to that.
In the Summers, when i first became friends with this guy back then, i used to take a cab everyday.
Every single day(like it was some kind of obsession) to this guy's home, and spends hours with him at his home, braving the ghetto(yeah he lived in the ghetto).
Can you imagine taking a cab everyday to a ghetto?...the cab driver rises an eyebrow at why a woman like me is taking a cab right from the medschool to this ghetto..I used to do this...
Now, on retrospect, I am not even sure if he wanted me everyday like that....but one such summer afternoon, when i had gone there to visit him...He briefly went into the other room and reappeared with a small lil watermelon and gave it to me..and it was so hot outside and i had just travelled a distance to reach his home..
i smiled like a child.. grabbed the watermelon and said "for me?"
and then he cut it for me...
Hmmmmm...summer trips .
I even once purchased yellow flowers and a earthern flower pot one day for him and gave it to him ...Not sure he liked them ...but hey , whatever...
Now , it is just, WHATEVER.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
ELVIS PRESLEY, a true pioneer and a true original
Well! It is very sad that he died fat and unhealthy and under the influence of drugs.
I think he died lonely .
But, when you see earlier footage of his as this footloose, heavily talented, very very handsome guy shaking a leg on stage while singing with this very soulful touching voice, you know he is different.
No wonder , so many people from that generation were crazy about him to such an extent that some of them still believe he is alive.Massive denial.
I happened to watch a series on him on the Biography channel.It was great to see earlier Black and white footage of him , recording songs, performing and talking.
I think he is the handsomest guy on earth who was also soulful, original and interesting.Awwww.
He was a pioneer in bringing the blues type singing to the forefront making it more universal that it just being more common in black clubs.
His voice is the best ever.He sang from the heart.He loved music from the heart which explains why inspite of many doubts he always knew what to do with regards to choosing songs for releases and such.Hmmmmm.Handsome man with a wonderful voice.You live on in my heart as i listen to your voice and my heart sings along .
I think he died lonely .
But, when you see earlier footage of his as this footloose, heavily talented, very very handsome guy shaking a leg on stage while singing with this very soulful touching voice, you know he is different.
No wonder , so many people from that generation were crazy about him to such an extent that some of them still believe he is alive.Massive denial.
I happened to watch a series on him on the Biography channel.It was great to see earlier Black and white footage of him , recording songs, performing and talking.
I think he is the handsomest guy on earth who was also soulful, original and interesting.Awwww.
He was a pioneer in bringing the blues type singing to the forefront making it more universal that it just being more common in black clubs.
His voice is the best ever.He sang from the heart.He loved music from the heart which explains why inspite of many doubts he always knew what to do with regards to choosing songs for releases and such.Hmmmmm.Handsome man with a wonderful voice.You live on in my heart as i listen to your voice and my heart sings along .
Friday, July 11, 2008
He is , He Isn't !
HE IS ?He isn't?
Written by Dr.A.R aka Le Cinq Blog
Copyright 2008 Le Cinq Blog Dr.A.R All rights reserved
He is?
He isn't?
He is what he says he is ?
He isn't?
He is what he was ?
He isn't?
He is what i think he is?
He isn't?
He is what he actually thinks he is?
He isn't ?
He is there sometimes?
He isn't?
He is there always?
He isn't?
He is what i get to see of what he is ?
He isn't?
He is what he does?
He isn't?
He is ?
Yes he is
P.S: Two days later;
you know what,
I just realized,
He isn't !
Written by Dr.A.R aka Le Cinq Blog
Copyright 2008 Le Cinq Blog aka Dr.A.R
All rights reserved.
No part of my blog is to be copypasted or reproduced in any form original or plagiarized on any other site or outside of the internet with my prior written permission.You can link to my blog only after permission.Under no condition are you allowed to post any part of my work including a sampling .You can only post a link and that too only after my permission and that is as much as you get .If you still lack integrity or self respect and post slightly modified forms of my blog entries, I shall come after you and haunt you -cough cough -hunt you down !
Written by Dr.A.R aka Le Cinq Blog
Copyright 2008 Le Cinq Blog Dr.A.R All rights reserved
He is?
He isn't?
He is what he says he is ?
He isn't?
He is what he was ?
He isn't?
He is what i think he is?
He isn't?
He is what he actually thinks he is?
He isn't ?
He is there sometimes?
He isn't?
He is there always?
He isn't?
He is what i get to see of what he is ?
He isn't?
He is what he does?
He isn't?
He is ?
Yes he is
P.S: Two days later;
you know what,
I just realized,
He isn't !
Written by Dr.A.R aka Le Cinq Blog
Copyright 2008 Le Cinq Blog aka Dr.A.R
All rights reserved.
No part of my blog is to be copypasted or reproduced in any form original or plagiarized on any other site or outside of the internet with my prior written permission.You can link to my blog only after permission.Under no condition are you allowed to post any part of my work including a sampling .You can only post a link and that too only after my permission and that is as much as you get .If you still lack integrity or self respect and post slightly modified forms of my blog entries, I shall come after you and haunt you -cough cough -hunt you down !
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Have you ever pined for a city?
Have you ever pined for a city?
Have you sat there and remembered a city;
with nostalgia and a certain pining?
You see,
I pine for this city.
I do.
I am sure some of you out there;
have experienced this same kind of pining.
I have never experienced this pining;
for anything else or anyone else.
Yeah, I had a pining once;
when i was 17 to become a doctor.
Thank god! i eventually became a doctor;
and put an end to that pining.
This city.
I pine for it.
It hurts so much to not live there,
To not walk those streets,
To not breathe that air,
To not sail those waters,
I love those streets,
I love those walls of ancient buildings.
OH, I so pine for ya.
I hope i get to you someday.
Written by Dr.A.R
July 5, 2008
Have you sat there and remembered a city;
with nostalgia and a certain pining?
You see,
I pine for this city.
I do.
I am sure some of you out there;
have experienced this same kind of pining.
I have never experienced this pining;
for anything else or anyone else.
Yeah, I had a pining once;
when i was 17 to become a doctor.
Thank god! i eventually became a doctor;
and put an end to that pining.
This city.
I pine for it.
It hurts so much to not live there,
To not walk those streets,
To not breathe that air,
To not sail those waters,
I love those streets,
I love those walls of ancient buildings.
OH, I so pine for ya.
I hope i get to you someday.
Written by Dr.A.R
July 5, 2008
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