I started writing poetry when i was eleven.
I started writing in general when i was ten.
I remember the exact moment too.
I was in fifth grade and it was a snack break and i tore three sheets from my notebook and then folded those pages further and tore them neatly .I finally stapled those tiny pages together to make a book.
I then instintively proceeded to write about myself and my family.
It was so funny.I did it coz i felt this need to write something down.
HMMM..That is exactly why i say "People who need writer's workshops are not real writers" Writing is not about straining and praciticing to be able to eek out a decent work of writing.Writing is not about straining in constipation.Writing is about verbal diarrhea...hmmmm
Poetry comes easily to me.Infact , newer poems keep popping up in head every now and then , far too many times in a day.It gets so overwhelming at times because i am not in a position to quickly jot down what pops up in my head each time .So , finally at the age of seventeen, i decided that i was going to make a mental effort to stop writing poetry altogether.I just wanted to make an attempt to consciously stop those newer verses from popping up in my head..I hadn't written poetry for ten years since then. Finally, after i started blogging roughly three years ago , i just gave in and decided to write a few poems again.I realized that the poems never stopped popping up in head.All i was attempting to do was pretending that they don't occur to me and that is no good.
I did post a handful of poems in one of my older blogs in another blogsite.I posted them under my pseudonym.
I am not sure i am going to repost those here again .Either ways.This blog is all about my poems, my fictional work and my writing.
Please don't plagiarize this work of mine.