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Saturday, May 31, 2008

The vagabond

The vagabond.
I feel like one
I feel sad that i feel like one.
but i feel like i am wobbling around in the sea with no anchoring.
I feel like i am loitering around with a very vague sense of purpose, a whole lot of ambition but very unsystematic approach with little respect for my own time.If that makes any sense.
I feel like a vagabond.And i don't feel fine.

Written by Dr.A.R copyright 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

ode to the pear

August 9th , 2008
This guy i like very much,once wrote a blog about pears (yeah, the fruit Pear) more than a couple of years ago..
.It was a 'poetic prose' of how; though the pear is the underdog(atleast according to him , it is an underdog?I personally don't think the pear is the underdog at all) in terms of how it looks and how one perhaps needs a knife to be able to peel it (he think one needs to peel the pear before you eat it?I always eat pears with the peel! ) and such and then finally ,
he writes a punch line of how; though ,inspite of all this,he still gets the pear..

He says " I still get you !"( or something to that account though i don't recall the exact words he wrote) as the last line of the prose poem piece talking about the pear!

And two years later,I went back to his blog and out of whim and fancy posted a comment on that blog entry about the pear, of what came out spontaneously out of me when i went back there -

Here is My own version of " Ode to the pear"
You see, I have a whole different take on the 'pear'..I DON'T THINK IT IS THE UNDERDOG IN THE FIRST PLACE....I mean..if you have a fixed idea of what an UPPER DOG IS (if the term even exists) then ofcourse, anything that deviates from that norm of the characteristics of what seemingly is class material and what is the poor cousin of the class material,you might find it as an underdog...
So, since i have no fixed ideas of what is A grade and what is perhaps the unnoticed and uncherished B grade...i consider the pear NOT an underdog.. LOL

Anyways here goes the comment i left on there  on his blog about the PEAR
" Ode to the pear !!!
I looooove pears... the gritty yet interesting juicy texture... the just right sweetness and the thin skin.. the shape is fantastic as one feels it in one’s palm before proceeding to make that crunchy bite while the juice flows in a single drip down the angle of your mouth onto your chin.. you bite on till you finish the pear,peel and all . till all that is left is the stalk attached to the core with the seeds.... the teeth feel squeaky clean .. and the parched throat feels pleasantly moist but not acidic... the tummy is happy and life is livable again.. Pear is indeed the fruit from GOD"

A peerless lotus and the autograph book !

Funny title , You must think.Naaah..
When in tenth grade, when all of us were passing out of school, I did pass out with top honors(ofcourse, I would..I am a smart woman), we had this school ritual of getting our slam books signed by friends and teachers.
We used to go ask our fav teachers and sometimes the Not so fav teachers too..for autographs.. and they gladly wrote down something for us.
In my tenth grade , our class teacher was our English teacher.( i think he also taught history)
I was the class topper all through school and i was quite this self confident young woman(have always been ).
So yeah..coming back to the story.. He, this class teacher had this JUST PERFECT behaviour...He let me have my own dignity and ego and yet again once in a while would not hesitate and take charge and act as my mentor where he would be a dependable adult too...
As you all know..there is no dearth for(of?)perverted males (female too) class teachers) who for one forget that they are adults and cannot start having sexual fantasies about children and that at school they are suppossed be the substitute parents
( Off late, There have been so many cases of female and male teachers having sexual relations with their just teenaged students that it baffles me---I am not even sure if these teachers understand the gravity of what they are doing.. I know that hormonal levels don't ask your cognitive permission before they surge, but, hey ! there is always room to take control and put those impulses under control) well.. I think..secretly, this class teacher was really proud of me and was very fond of me(in a non creepy way-coz, had it been creepy i would have instinctively known, just like i have been able to percieve and cringe each time some very old male has looked and lusted at me-such creeps could very well die and no one will weep for them..gosh!)
So , yeah.. we had this perfect relationship...He was this responsible teacher..who knew that i was a smart lady and a good looking one and he also knew that i knew my worth...and He was really proud too..and to be proud and to be supportive of a woman-child, and be mentor too when i wasn't related to him by blood.. I was great.
Also, he had this really great talent where he would be able to draw a whole map from scratch on the board ..geographical maps with no scale avialable..
I sometimes think that he chose a very ordinary profession visa vi what he could possibly have endeavoured to do professionally had he had an opportunity to do so .
Anways..Gosh..I babble and babble and it tires me..LOL..the babble just won't stop
He, well.. when all of us went to get his autograph..he actually went ahead and wrote small poems for each of us...These were his own poems and all tailor written on the spot just for each of us individually.
He had a great hand writing too .
He wrote a four liner for me and the first line went something like
: "In the pond bloomed a peerless lotus" and
it went on( i must go and search for that slam book_i am pretty sure it is still there in my attic)
He called me a Peerless lotus..
I kept musing over what he wrote for years after that...
BTw...I hope he is not reading this blog..coz..that would be far too embarassing...It has been more than ten years since then.
I haven't gone back and visited my school.. I don't know if he is still there... I just wish him happiness and good health..
He taught me in so many ways that sometimes relationships can be pure and fantastic ..where there is no creepiness hidden crushes...just mutual admiration and mutual respect irrespective of age.
He was a great teacher and taught me lessons in human dignity and the value of hard work and about regulating and optimising one's own behaviour.
He Taught me about self regulation .
More than anything else he taught me to be proud of the fact that i am a self assured young woman.Because that pride was ingrained in me by positive reinforcement coming from such an unexpected source..I will never shake that self confidence away.This pride and self assuredness will stay with me forever.Thanks..thanks .thank you sir.

Monday, May 5, 2008

About this blog

I started writing poetry when i was eleven.

I started writing in general when i was ten.

I remember the exact moment too.

I was in fifth grade and it was a snack break and i tore three sheets from my notebook and then folded those pages further and tore them neatly .I finally stapled those tiny pages together to make a book.

I then instintively proceeded to write about myself and my family.

It was so funny.I did it coz i felt this need to write something down.

HMMM..That is exactly why i say "People who need writer's workshops are not real writers" Writing is not about straining and praciticing to be able to eek out a decent work of writing.Writing is not about straining in constipation.Writing is about verbal diarrhea...hmmmm

Poetry comes easily to me.Infact , newer poems keep popping up in head every now and then , far too many times in a day.It gets so overwhelming at times because i am not in a position to quickly jot down what pops up in my head each time .So , finally at the age of seventeen, i decided that i was going to make a mental effort to stop writing poetry altogether.I just wanted to make an attempt to consciously stop those newer verses from popping up in my head..I hadn't written poetry for ten years since then. Finally, after i started blogging roughly three years ago , i just gave in and decided to write a few poems again.I realized that the poems never stopped popping up in head.All i was attempting to do was pretending that they don't occur to me and that is no good.

I did post a handful of poems in one of my older blogs in another blogsite.I posted them under my pseudonym.

I am not sure i am going to repost those here again .Either ways.This blog is all about my poems, my fictional work and my writing.

Please don't plagiarize this work of mine.

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