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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

karma comes back and hits me on my head from time to time

First off, I stopped believing in god and zodiacs and destiny and karma and what not at one point of time. This agnostic bordering on atheist skeptical thought pattern has taught me to be more responsible in my actions and exercise more self control over myself and have more self regulation rather than expect the hand of destiny to guide me in the right path.
Anyways, inspite of this lack of belief in destiny, I sometimes fall into points in time where suddenly i realize or understand what another person must have gone through while having faced a similar situation .You see, while going through a predicament, I suddenly recall some point in the past where i must have ridiculed or questioned the credibility of someone else who prolly went through the same state of mind back then.
Like for example, a few days ago, when i suddenly realized that i have no possible control of who gets to read my public blogs and unless i make them private there is no effective way i can stop people from reading these blogs and wrongly interpreting them in ways I didn't intend to mean them even. And suddenly I was filled with this urge to just make my blog private or even better just delete this blog altogether and at this point I could suddenly understand why this person kinda deleted all of their blogs from the past two or three years , suddenly out of the blue. I was all kinda pissed with this person for catching me unawares and such.The blog that i took for granted was suddenly not there.At that point I just could not fathom that state of mind that could lead a person to do that. But now I do and this i call, karma coming back and hitting me on my head .

leaving no stone unturned to embarass myself in the long run

seriously, I just pretty much post these lil poetry stuff on here , Like ridiculously regularly and put it all out there. I am kinda afraid , this is gonna come back and embarass me later . gosh. but see, I have no idea why after giving up writing poetry for almost 15 years (because i realized at one point that poetry was all consuming and just left me high and dry with a daily turnover of around 20 or more poems) . So i abruplty stopped writing poems till a year or more ago, as part of some meme challenge a dear friend of me made me write one poem. Again, this poetic urge caught me unawares and won't subside even upon trying. Even so , these days, I try to limit my output to just one per day. Ya know , to keep it real and all ..But for the sake of humanity, I realize that these poems are like putting my inner most thoughts out there for every damn lurker to read and make note. I am reaching out to you , oh distant stranger, by way of verse, but how are you reaching out back to me? huh? do something. talk back in not so unclear minced up words.

Eye contact

Eye contact
Written by Lecinqblog.Copyright(c)2009Lecinqblog.Do not reproduce without permission.
Eye contact,
An eye for an eye,
A stare for a stare,
A look for a look,
A stance for a stance,
Brown liquid meets hazel power,
vying to burn each others' retina,
To reach the heart,
A battle of sorts,
The starer and the stared at,
We accept,
We deny.
we chide,
We stare,
all by eye contact,
It says a lot.

Monday, March 30, 2009

A piercing stare

A piercing stare
Written by lecinqblog.copyright(c)2009Lecinqblog, Don't reproduce without permission.
That piercing stare,
You looked straight at the camera and
The stare just froze,
the purple lights shading half of your face and shirt.
Those liquid brown eyes,
Were you semi drunk,
there was cocky sexiness,
That took me offgaurd.
Oohhhh, sexuality,
You got me some raw sexuality ,
ohhhh, gave me what i wanted.
That stare could see right through me,
not that You stared at me.
AFterall it is only the picture I am looking,
But i can feel that stare,
Though from a picture,
Which makes it pretty strange for me.
That stare, The knowledge that you sure are piercing my heart.
Yet another sexual battle lost,
Just by a mere stare,
Pure animal sexuality that stare.
That piercing stare.
Copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog
p.s: I am so itching to post a pic along with the poem , but i fear embarrassment at a later point of time when i get reports of how you are wasting your raw sexuality with yet another bimbette with no real spunk.
But yeah, I am pretty sure you can figure out which picture I am talking about if you know whom i am talking about .purple light on half of the face is a good clue.I mean, you were like looking straight at the camera like you were gonna eat up the camera . that was cool and sexy. powerfully cool and sexy.It is a big risk to post the picture which is now a screensaver on my lappy.hmmmNM

Sunday, March 29, 2009

An excerpt of an imaginary conversation

I had an imaginary conversation with someone just as i lay down on my bed to sleep.
The imaginary conversation went this way :
Me:" ARe you happy, honey?"
honey: " yeah, I think, I am !"
me: " alright then, Well, that is what i eventually want. You being happy. If you are really happy with what you are doing and where you are right now , I am happy too.You know, we might be different people somewhere, yet, i do want you to be happy"
Me: " you know, I am good at all the nerdy things I do , well you are good at music, i mean, I am good at music too, but ya know, You are very good at it, I am very good at what i do , We are teh top dogs in our own field, which might not make us equipped to appreciate another person in another field with as much awe and all that, but , you know what, no matter what happens or doesn't happen between us, since I can relate to being the top gun at something, I can get you in that inexplicable way. So, yeah, it does make me happpy when you get genuinely happy, I do like you you know "

And suddenly, I realized that this was an imaginary conversation, that HONEY, was not there on the other side of the phone. I got so carried away with this imaginary conversation by then that a single tear already had dropped from the angle of my eye onto the bed. whoa.. I mean, I was takikng this conversation a bit too seriously. what was I thinking? A telepathic conversation?what?

Friday, March 27, 2009

Apocalypto and great bodies

maaaaan, those beautiful bodies and those tottoos and jewellery is just making me lust after them.
They also seem to have chosen actors with very great shapely bodies. I mean, I am totally lusting after those bodies now.Especially the father of the young guy in the non-blue tribe!

Self perception as a commodity

Self perception as a commodity
Written by Lecinqblog,copyright(c)2009Lecinqbog, don't reproduce without permission

If you percieve yourself as a commodity,
yes that happens with people,
circumstances teaches people to sell themselves,
to view themselves as the commodity,
It happens when people treat you like one for long,
You are the asset,
You are the saleable part of the deal.
You are for sale,
Soon you believe the hype,
You think you are the commodity,
You get caught up in it all,
You are the commodity,
You need to market yourself,
You need to do it cleverly,
Nothing you say is true anymore,
It is all promotion,
self promotion,
you think you are the object,
YOu sell yourself,
With clever words,
That really mean nothing,
but a simple ploy to sell,
you become but a cheap salesperson,
No matter how much the money,
you become a cheap salesperson,
smiling all guises,
desperate to sell yourself,
You stop seeing yourself as a human,
You are for sale,
That is what everyone tells,
No real talk ever,
Everything told for the effect,
Oh the trick lies in telling it like it is the truth,
Telling it like it is not a sales pitch,
Telling it like you are a human,
But hey, you are not,
You are a piece for sale.
anything can be bought you say?
A million hits?
Oh , so a million hits a standpoint for getting sold?
Looks like a good price
Is all it takes.
You are but an object,
REady for sale,
Nothing left in it all,
Every single gesture,
all a sales pitch,
cleverly disguised,
It is a pity,
It is a pity,
That you see yourself as an object for sale.

Copyright(c)2009 lecinqblog

Abandoning posts

Abandoning posts
Written by Lecinqblog.Copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog.Don't reproduce without permission.

Abandoning posts,
Am I?
Looks like I just did,
Much like the countless times I already did.
Fear of failure can be a big thing,
Bigger than failure itself.
It grips and lets you drop things.

Abandoning ship ,
should I say?
Oh, but would I abandon a ship;
if i didn't know how to swim?
Sometimes, a no way out,
makes us stand the storm,
and make it through,
and get it all done.

A desperation can sometimes be a good thing,
A desperation never lets you abandon ship.
I perceive no desperation,
you see, I don't,
I just abandoned my post,
I was afraid I was not going to do a good job.
Dropping the sword and runniing like crazy,
it will never let you know if you could have done it,
Had you not abandoned post,
You prolly could have done it.

Looks Like I never want to know,
I could know that i could do it,
But yet, I Abandoned My post , I did .
Copyright(c)2009 lecinqblog

Accidental crossposting

So yeah, I was typing my Ramble blog and for some reason i didn't notice that i was typing in my poetry blog instead of there. You can see below this entry that I had indeed gone ahead and even posted it out here.
Speaking of which, I have noticed that my blog readers from one blog don't actually really read my other blogs.
The ramble blog readers sometimes occasionaly drop at the antidote to anger or vice versa but never at my poetry blog.
The people who read my poetry blog never really go ready my other blogs either.
My vegetarian blog readers actually don't ever read anything else, altogether.
I seriously would like it for all my readers to try my other blogs too.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The incompatibility trump card

The incompatibility trump card
Written By lecinqblog,Copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog.Do not reproduce without permission.

There is a trump card that exists in life
That is the innate truth
The innate incompatibilities,
That when chosen to be ignored,
Coz the pair looks too pretty together,
The finances work well together,
It is convenient,
The innate incompatibility,
It lurks there,
it emerges and taunts you,
At the most crucial moments,
you don't know what is not working,
But something lurks liks a sore in the eye.
That is called incompatibility trump card,
it trumps all,
It is here to stay and
It never goes away.

Copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog

Monday, March 23, 2009

My locks of Hair--how I chop them often !

I know, I know, that is a corny header for a blog.
Anyways, I gave in and cut my hair again .. Very very short.
The thing is, i have very good quality hair.
What comprises good quality hair? For one, they need to be thick and healthy, no split ends, good dense hair distribution on scalp, and they must grow fast after cutting, they must shine and well, they must neither to be too short not too curly,easily manageable too.

Well, I have dark brown dirty reddish hair. They grow back real fast.There is a thick distribution too. Yeah, they shine. Since they grow back real fast, I cut them almost every 13 or 15 days, so the ends are quite not split either. So yeah, I have good hair.
The problem though is the scalp. I have an oily scalp.
I try growing long hair, the oil secretion increases. Prolly my scalp is smart, It senses it need to produce enough oil to cover the increased length.Unless i brush down that oil to the ends, the oil just stays there. The problem here is , I don't Like brushing or combing my hair. Yeah, And I am a girl.I know. MOCK HORROR, I am a girl And i don't like brushing my hair.
Infact, I just use my hands to brush my hair. I run my fingers through a couple of time and set my hair and move on. So yeah, the scalp gets oily and then i start having an oily forehead. I don't like that.
My hair grows real fast and once upon a time in life when i was 22, i dared to grow it long. It grew out into beautiful bountiful thick curly brown locks. Everyone envied my hair. But well, Long hair bothers me. I cannot just grow out my hair coz it is pretty and i can make everyone jealous.I don't care about evoking jealousy.It is a very negative response to give or to recieve. I like convenience. I like short enough hair so that it sets right with just finger combing. So yeah, after much thinking, I cut my hair back into the super short style that i usually felt like a great relief then.
In the past month or more, I for some reason had let the hair to grow out.. again, too thick , too fast.. It bothered me so much that I chopped it off yesterday.
A relief. I feel relief. It is a pity that i have such pretty hair and i don't have the temperament to show them off. Only if i had the patience to deal with long hair. Well ! I don't. What can a girl do but to buzz cut the whole thing.Not like a crazy buzz cut. But a pretty nicely shaped slighly longer than buzz, buzz cut.
The short hair is such a relief. Like breaking my own mold and breathing once again.
I feel relieved.

The inconspicuous Dependancies

The inconspicous Dependancies
Written by Lecinqblog. Copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog, Please do not use without permission.

The inconspicuous dependancies;
That we all suffer from.
We succor from,
We thrive from,
We want them,
We need them,
Yet we won't acknowledge them,

These dependancies that we derive from;
Our immense inspirations ;
And our minced up consciense,
We need them;
But we won't say it,
We want them;
We won't ask for it.
We depend on them;
but we won't know,
Till they are gone ;
And leave you alone.

Copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog.

The charm of Submission

The charm of submission
Written by Lecinqblog copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog.Please do not use without permission.

The charm of submission;
It is sweet and succulent,
The thrill of the chase;
It is exciting and exhilaration.

What happenns next is but a pity;
You move on to your next chase,
The high of the next submission;
To wait and watch ;
The nuances of the fruit of ;
This one submission.

Everyone is a warrior by heart;
Seeking thrills over pursuit hot;
We like the trails,
We like the chases,
WE get there and
We want to move on.
It is all the charm of submission that counts.
What comes next really doesn't matter.

copyright(c) 2009 Lecinqblog

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cologne memories and bicycle rides

Prose work written by Lecinqblog copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog.

It is time to write some prose now , since ofcourse people have started stealing my poems like shameless theieves. ( The shameless thief from weddingnirvana , You
better remove my poem from your website)

Anyways, let us get back to a good mood.
On one of my other blogs someone asked me on a meme questionnaire about my favorite smell.
It is cologne, i answered.
As a child, I mean, As an early teen, My fav perfume was Eau de cologne, Just plain alchohol based cologne, Plain , simple, and makes me instantly happy.
Btw, all these other perfumes give me headaches.

When i was 14 , I used to go study at a tutor's house in the morning for math and science prior to going to school.Not that i was bad at math or science. I just wanted to go to a tutor for some second person perspective on things.Also, as a teen I was finding ways to get out of the house .

Ofcourse being 14 I couldn't drive(though I have to secretly admit that i learned to ride at 12--i was tall enough and my dad's assistant kinda egged me on and even loaned me his vehicle to drive) . So yeah, coming back, I used to ride my bicycle to this tutor's place at the unearthly hour of five in the morning (coz that was the most convenient time we could both synchronize our schedules for) .

So, I used to set my alarm for 5:15, get up like crazy at the ring, brush my teeth and change and take my bike and ride away to glory to the tutor's place. It was too early for breakfast and such. Then I would come back home at seven and then quickly take a bath, stuff some breakfast in my mouth(mostly a single fried egg that i would make myself) and dunk down a single cup of a malted drink(which i would make myself too) and run to school.

So, as i rode to school, I would start smelling the cologne emanating from my skin as the wind blew across my face. I used to use a cologne soap then. That smell has imprinted in my head now as a happy memory smell.
Each time i think of cologne , needless to say, I get very very happy.

My fav perfume still is cologne. I have over time accumulated a very small list of other fav perfumes too, but then cologne still tops the list.

Wonder why they make only male perfumes that smell refreshing. Most women perfumes are suffocating. I am a sexy woman(tooting my own horn to the level of narcissism) but i puke when i smell those gaudy women perfumes. I usuall buy lime based or cologne based deodarants in the men's toileteries aisle. What can a girl do when she so likes cologne.
If any women perfume makers are reading this, Please understand that many women like cologne too, so please make cologne perfumes for women.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Who is a paramore?

Who is a paramore?
Written by Lecinqblog (this poem is copyrighted and if any focking moron steals it, I will kill you)

Who is a paramore?
Who is a paramore?
Someone that gets your soul ;
And loves your heart?

Someone that digs your mind ;
And rocks your soul?

Someone that tests your love;
And lets you get stronger?

Someone that tests the waters;
And just lets go?

Someone that steals your urges;
And lets you experiment?

Someone that listens to your sighs;
And lets you just be.

Someone that cries with you ;
But makes you feel lighter.

Someone that laughs with you ;
But makes you cry with ecstasy?

Someone that catches you by surprise;
But is just the same?

Someone that is deeply magical;
Yet exhilaratingly plain?

Someone that is coarsely rustic;
Yet inexplicable exotic.

Someone that sneaks up behind you ;
Only to hold you when you fall?

Someone that lets you fall;
So you brush off the dust and rise up?

Oh my paramore;
What are you?

Written by Lecinqblog Copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog

Please please please do not use this poem on your websites or elsewhere without emailing me first and asking my permission.
Chances are , If you act nice and ask my permission, I might even say Yes.
If after full permission, You use this poem for noncommercial purposes, please link back to my website and mention that I wrote it. Learn some internet manners. I beg you.

Biting retorts

Biting retorts
Written by Lecinqblog

Biting retorts,
Why are they coming back?
Am I overreading the intensity of the bite?
Are these retorts really directed at me?
Am I reading it too deep?
Am I reading it all wrong?
Biting retorts,
Icy and piercing,
But why?
Cold and swift,
I see them coming at me,
or are they not?
But why?
You qualify to get outraged ;
only when you are in right.
Mock outrages by the culprits;
Just really don't sit right .
Why the mock retort?
What is it that you plan to achieve by a biting retort?
copyright(c)2009 lecinqblog

Complicated seeking Complicated

Complicated seeking Complicated
Written by Lecinqblog

Complicated seeking Complicated,
Not a good prediction,
A bad prognosis,
when I am a different complicated,
you are a different complicated,
It only gets entangled into
'Incomprehensible uber complicated'
Like snakes rolling around together into a big clump;
A knotted ball of two yarns of two different thread counts.
let us lay the complicated off for a bit.
Copyright(c) 2009 Lecinqblog

Friday, March 20, 2009

Apocalypto and great bodies

maaaaan, those beautiful bodies and those tattoos and jewellery is just making me lust after them.
They also seem to have chosen actors with very great shapely bodies. I mean, I am totally lusting after those bodies now.Especially the father whose son gets killed ( of the human sacrificing clan). Totally lusting .Totally. Also the chielf villian who keeps torturing the blue people all the way in the forest leading. It is a pity, I like the villian .LOL , but he sure is so in shape and so attractive looking for some reason.
Usually men who wear jewellery especially those neckchains and bracelets totally put me off.
I myself never really wear jewellery. it bothers me wear something on me ..inconvenient.
But then, come on, those great bare bodies, totally in shape, those pitch black tatoos and amazing wooden and metal jewellery in all the odd and unexpected place..whoa, super lust worthy

Kleptomania, scrunchies,tshirts, Jason Mraz and me !

Ya know, Each time Jason Mraz posts something on his blog, His sincerity and the blog content and the personal stories, allow me to open up and share my stories with him too.
And then the comments are so long, so personal that i am inclined to repost my comment here as a new blog entry.
Case in question is jason's blog entry about his childhood vacations at his grammy's place and his one memory of getting caught while attempting to steal tshirts while on a retreat and all and sundry.
Here is what i had to say on the issue:

The school finally didn't allow it? LOL
Funny how the first reaction to our first mistakes guides our personality in the future.
Ya know, If you had gotten away with that stealing , prolly you would have tried shoplifting again.Maybe you would have become a closet kleptomaniac.LOL.
Good that the kleptomania syndrome was nipped in the bud.I am hoping it did get nipped.
Many bad habits start at an age of experimentation, A stage where you are trying to decide on your own what in your book of life , is wrong or right. If something goes unchecked at that time, i starts seeming okay.
Ya know what I am getting at, right?
Looks like the dad and gramma were egging you stuff it , LOL. Emotional eating is a whole another story which I don't want to dwell on right now. HMMMMM.. Interesting how our families in one way or another shape our personalities. For better or for worse.
Nice to read the life stories.
I remember that when i was 13, one of my mom's younger sisters(which there are very many), actually tried to train me to steal scruntchies from a local fair. she wanted to stand as cover while i stole stuff. I think , she saw it as some adventure of her own where she could get away with stolen goodies. The most important thing was that , by the time I was 13 I had already set my personality, about my sense of right and wrong.I had my own rules of right or wrong. I didn't see the whole exercise as some juvenile thrill seeking method to feel like one achieved something by getting away with stealing. What did I do? While she stood there as cover hurriedly gesturing me to pick up as many scrunchies as possible and pocket them and walk away while she pretended to keep the seller busy with conversation, I just gave her an angry stare and simple walked away from there without stealing anything.You see, I saw that act as stealing.
jase, hugs to you dear.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

psuedo relationships

what constitutes a pseudorelationship?
A relationship where atleast one of the parties involved is not there.
either physically or emotionally never really there.

Imbibing Negativity

I write a lot of blogs. I write around ten different blogs on different websites.Each of them different dealign with different subjects.I do this coz i have something i have this desperate need to get out from my system about each subject .
One of my blog is highly political, One of them is personal ,One of them is cooking, One of them is prose and poetry, One of them is ecology, one of them just plain ramble that won't fit in any cetegory, and one of them is a phschology and social commentary blog.
so, yesterday night, when i went to sleep i suddenly realized at how much my own writing criticizing a thousand different things is allowing me to inadvertantly imbibe the negativity that i am criticizing.
Hmmmmm..I mean, I have noticed a great positive mood takeover when i have gone on a positive blog entry spree where i talk about me and my personal likes my family and such.
But as you might have noticed, I mostly use my blogs to vent my displeasure about all and sundry discrepancies in our society and in doing so, the exercise kinda drags me to a negativity that is difficult to percieve off hand and immediately but then weighs on me more after a series of such blog entries.
No wonder a lot of people just write fluff blogs where they talk about what they ate or what they saw on tv.. Ya know, to be disconnected and to keep it all happy and clown like..LOL
Anyways. Sarcasm and honest criticism is as much a part of me as much as love and kindness is.I just need to equally show my kindness and happy side too on these blogs.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ignore and breathe !

My Mind suddenly went on an overdrive since yesterday.I have no idea why. but then it did.
I am NOT liking this overdrive situation though.It gets tough to remain collected and calm.
I just need to ignore everything that is not immediately connected to me and start breathing.
I need to stop taking everything seriously.
i need to stop paying attention to strangers.
i need to stop paying attention to anything unless it immediately is related to me.
i need to take a deep breath and stop bothering about others that i might ever never meet .
I need to take care of myself more.
That is the goal here.
other people are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves and they probably do it too.
I on other hand forget my own welfare .
I need to pay attention to just myself at this point.
I need to ignore and breathe.
Just ignore and breathe

If you want me

If you want me
written by Lecinqblog

If you want me,
you gotta come and get me,
Yeah it is risky.
but you see,
You gotta do it now.
I already did and left.
Now you do it.
YOu want me,
You ask me,
You ask me clearly ,
You risk it and
If you want me ,
You ought to come and get me buddy.
You ought to.
Maybe write to me .
NO vague attempts,
No subtle clues,
That time has passed,
Now all I will take is,
come and ask me,
write to me , Only me
sure, You ought to.
copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog

vegan food at airports and hotels

Vegan Food at Airports and Hotels
Written by Lecinqblog
I feel like a scavenger,
Eagerly looking for vegan food at airport lounges.
Oh yeah sure,
I will have an apple and a banana please.
Yeah, A bag of chips,
the chips get friend in veggie oil, don't they?
wait a min,
baked not fried.
Ok, Ok, Ingredients,
Milksolids !
Ok, I will just have the apple and banana,
No lays.
Oooooh A & W , root beer,
will have one of that too.
Oh yes, french fries,
K, freedom fries, whatever,
I want some of those.
Fries are vegan, potatoes and oil,
"Hey, do you fy you fries in oil?Lard?"
She makes a face, "No lard, It's oil"
K, I will have some of those. make it a large fries.
the garden salad,
lemme check,
three large chickpeas,
yeah a meagre three ,
two cubes of muskmelon,
Is that a slice of cucumber?
"Okay, I will have the garden salad"
You need a dressing? she asks?
I say, "vinagrette?"
she says, "blue cheese?"
I say, "no, just the salad"
I sit there caressing my apple before saving it for the flight.
Oh they allow apples don't they? It is not a liquid.
searching for vegan at hotel is tougher.
You go drop your stuff,
go to the nearest supermarket and
buy a bag of carrots,
A big loaf of brown bread,
Peanut butter,
hey, peanut butter is vegan,
MMMM, ramen is good, mmmmmmm.
pad thai,
safe, all vegan,
apples and bananas again,
grapes too.
great.I am all set.
Can wait to get back home to eat decent vegan meals!
copyright(c) 2009 Lecinqblog

High risk pregnancies !

High risk Pregnancies
Written by Lecinqblog
A high risk pregnancy,
Oh the factors,
An andvanced maternal age,
Anything above 30 is advanced?
I now officially am a potential High risk preggy case,
That is,
If i wish to get myself pregnant from now on.
Yeah, Yeah,
I look like a teen,
but the figures,
but the figures,
My OBgyn professors words come back to me,
You see down's syndrome kids in the ped department,
You feel for them,
They are the happy morons they say,
They love music they say,
When i was a peds intern,
I was 22 then,
I felt a deep bond with them,
A deep bond ,
I was scared then,
I am even more scared now,
A high risk pregnancy,
Hey my grammies had children at 45,
Their babies turned out right,
Hey maybe,
I have no genetric predisposition to giving birth to down's babies,
Maybe i am not high risk afterall,
A big sigh,
Suddenly the poor uneducated teen mother looks a lucky low risk to you,
Hey, I am not high risk,
No !
It scares you ,
High risk, you say?
I never dreamed i would end up high risk,
Suddenly, I am starting to figure out ,
envision, amniocentesis and villi biopsy,
Sure they can detect it in time
What a pity,
A high risk you say?
And to think,
I haven't found the one yet,
to impregnate myself.
But if i did,
Then I am high risk !
I anticipate that i may not find the one ,
till 36?
Ooohhh, that is like a bigger high risk.
High risk you say?
Oh no,
Grammy had her last son at the age of 42,
Sure I am safe.
A high risk you say?
Surely, the fact that I don't drink or smoke must count for something,
What say?
Can you then call me low risk?
No? what?
A high risk you say?
Copyright(c) 2009 Lecinqblog.


Transcontinental flights and baggage claims

Transcontinental flights and baggage claims
Written by Lecinqblog
Oh those 20 hr plane rides,
I hate them,
I hate the stiff knees,
The neck pains ,
after having dozed off in contorted positions,
The creaky knees,
After immmobilized knee postures,
Oh yeah the plane food,
It gets embarassing to recieve your vegan meal,
much prior to everyone else gets their plate,
Then you sit around waiting for your neighbour to get their plate,
you don't want to eat without them starting too,
The baggage claims,
The immigration checks,
Oh M'm , what is the purpose of your visit,
The queues,
The shuttles,
The airport bathrooms,
The transit flights,
The connecting flights,
scared you might miss the next one.
Oh I am so tired of it all.
I hate it all.
The joys of transcontinental flights ,
That shuttle me between continents,
Not enjoying them that much.
copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog

Monday, March 16, 2009

The best thing to do on an overcast afternoon

I like overcast afternoons. ya know. I love rains happenning in the afternoon than in the night. Coz i don't want to miss it .
This other day, evident from my previous post, I asked for rain.
Rain, it did.
prior to that, there was this overcast afternoon,
I sat there in my living room semi leaning and eating my warm mushroom pasta soup/conjee and watched tv and as i leaned a lil more, i could peep at my kitchen window and the overcast sky thereof.
i took a sip of my coffee .. warm comfort thick soup, coffee, an overcast sky, tv, nothing else to do ..great !
I loved it.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Walking in circles !

Written by Lecinqblog

Walking in circles,
that is what i do ,
no,not walking
Pacing frantically is more like it.
I do so over and over ,
after having told myself,
here i go off the tangent,
I am forever out of the circle,
I will never go back there.
i know the routine.
but no,
i go back in that circle.
i get there somehow.
copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog

Monday, March 9, 2009

Waiting for the rain

Written by Lecinqblog
Waiting for the rain,
I do so often.
I like the overcast skies,
That i peek upon from my kitchen window,
I like the steamy scene just prior to it rains
I like the pitter patter of the first drops,
I like the constant din of the heavy rain,
i like the muddy aroma of the first rain
I like coolbreeze during the downpour.
i like it all.
i wait for the rain,
I ask for it sometimes,
I just so love the rain.
I think it is gonna rain this evening.
I am waiting for the rain.
copyrigh(c)2009 Lecinqblog

The kitchen window breeze

by lecinqblog
There is a breeze that flows from my kitchen window.
It flows all the time.
There are times when i come back from work ,
I stand there making tea,
A breeze gently flows right then,
It caresses my tired brow and tells me that life is serene
There is this breeze that still blows in the middle of the night as well.
I wake up from my sleep,
While i make my midnight snack.
There is this kitchen window,]
I can see the moon
I can see some lone shimmering light of an approaching aircraft,
I make my midnight snack,
And then this breeze tells me ,
that life is indeed so serene.
Copyright(c)2009 Lecinqblog

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Into the wild

This movie is an adaptation of a book of the same name. The book inturn is based on a real life story of a man (boy?) who right after finishing college suddenly gives everything up and decided to trek all over the country with no money altogether.
Very moving film to watch especially since the fact that this is a true story kinda gnaws and shakes your soul as you watch this.
The movie is well shot, kudos to Sean penn for the great great screenplay. I actually wrote down lines that i liked as i watched this movie. A must watch

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Jarhead

I used to update a goal called SHARE FAV 100 MOVIES on another website.
That page is now gone.
so i am gonna update right here.
I watched this movie on fine sunny afternoon on tv.
Jake gyllenhall , anyways.. i like this movie, It touches me in some way.

There is this guy and then there is this other guy !

This guy,
He is,
I like him,
I love him,
I obsess and fret over him,
And then I am burned out .
When others like him more,
It makes me feel uneasy,
irky, and angry.
It is like having a seizure in quicksand.

Then there is this other guy,
I like him,
I love him,
I get happy,
I get happier
And then I am at peace.
When others like him more,
I inadvertantly catch myself smile with pride.
I never created this other guy,
but the adulation only makes me happy,
Like a proud mother.
It is like floating on the dead sea.
Not much effort, and a feeling of lighheaded safety.
I think I like this other guy.
He makes me happy.
By Le Cinq blog
Copyright(c) 2009 Le cinq blog.

The Jarhead

I used to update a goal called SHARE FAV 100 MOVIES on another website.
That page is now gone.
so i am gonna update right here.
I watched this movie on fine sunny afternoon on tv.
Jake gyllenhall , he is actually simple looking but then when he shaves his head,his facial features COME OUT and take you by surprise and command your attention.
he has also probably buffed up for this role...
Nice move overall.
definitely a nice watch

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