do you like to dance?
i refuse to dance at clubs, but i AM a dancer through and through
My answer
I absolutely love to dance—Ballet,jazz, swing,line and whatever…I mean.. I love the rythmic gyrations of the body to great music..I dance well too..
BUT like you say..I don’t like dancing at clubs.. Primarily coz, Just like LYONTAMER , points out,, clubdancing is more of a mating ritual in disguise, where people kind of are there to letcher at other peope and possibly find someone ready to …cough cough..
Also, i don’t drink coz i think drinking makes people do stupid things they repent later.. So, it is hard to take anyone seriously at bars and clubs..Afterall they are drunk rowdy people..LOL
So, yeah.. I don’t like getting letchered at by drunk guys who then proceed to think that since I dance so well, I must be EASY TOO ..For some reason, people think that good dancer are immoral and ready to sleep with them and such..LOL
Jan 12, 11:07PM PST