I started twittering (or tweeting )on April 3rd.I have made quite a few friends on twitter.. not the friends you call when you need someone to urgently come over home when you are super sick but the kind of wonderful friends with whom you share thoughts, give and get emotional support and have discussions with.
MJD is from portugal..she is a wonderful lady and is officially my twitter sister . We came across each other due to our common appreciation for Jason Mraz music.
For the past three days. MJD has embarked upon the task of teaching me Portuguese, and I am thoroughly enjoying the exercise..Since i can't pay her any real money as the tuition.I decided to make a sketch of her childhood picture(this pic is, from what I gather, her favorite picture)as a token of my appreciation to her.
Anyone who is here coz i asked you to rate this sketch..Please do so in the comments section right here or DM me on twitter with your rating.I so would like feedback about my artwork.