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Monday, November 18, 2013


Here is a list of my top TEN most visited blogs on my poetry and poise blog.
There are many more blogs entries which are widely visited as well,but I am just keeping the list short and mentioning the top ten entries.
These are stats relevant to only the past year!Also ,this top ten list DOESN'T include the various blogs that have gotten tens of thousands of google plus shares in the past week.
I write  #poetry, #lyrical_prose   various stories about #life_memories   #romance #lust #life on my poetry and poise blog.

here goes

  1. Revisiting a Four year old ghost-poetic rendition ... Nov 15, 2012
  2. The gossamer strings of silver Jan 4, 2010
  3. A special HI! to MJD Jul 28, 2009
  4. Accidental crossposting Mar 27, 2009
  5. My locks of Hair--how I chop them often ! Mar 23, 2009
  6. Gnarls Barkley and jamiroquai,umberella and Elvis... Jul 31, 2008
  7. High risk pregnancies ! Mar 18, 2009
  8. Loving two people at the same time-Two timing? May 5, 2009
  9. A fleeting love in february ! Mar 7, 2013
  10. How to make geeky earrings from paper clips-step b... May 7, 2010

Saturday, November 16, 2013

A whopping sixty THOUSAND and eight hundred odd people have google PLUSEd my poetry and poise blog in two days!how?

In the past two days something CURIOUS has happened.
A whopping SIXTY thousand eight hundred and forty eight people have
google plused my
GOOGLE kept asking me to join google plus and I have NOT joined so far.
so,I really wonder how my blogs are actually visible on the google
plus network enabling people to GOOGLE PLUS them!
Is my poetry and poise blog being featured on google plus?
What is happening?
baffled,surprised and honored all at the same time.
thanks to all google plus members who have read,liked and google
plused various blog entries of mine!
I do write six different blogs,and you can read all of them here
I also tweet here
You can always say hi to me on twitter or email me even.
hugs and cheers to all readers.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Mr.C,My first ever AUSSIE man CRUSH!


This Blog article(EXCEPT EXCERPTS) is creative property of Dr.A.R aka LecinQblog.This blog article originally was written for and is meant to appear on any one of the blogs in this list .If you find this blog article anywhere other than on BLOGSPOT,please visit my original blog,find my email address and email me with details of where else you read this blog entry.All my blogs are AD-free blogs AND I completely frown upon someone else trying to make money off my blogs without my prior written permission.



My first ever AUSSIE man CRUSH!

I was so enamored by him that I once wrote a WHOLE BLOG ENTRY describing all the parts of his body that I LOVED!

with pictures of each part to support my attraction...LOL

That was in 2005.

Some of my old readers from my older blog have actually managed to STALK me here on this blog too.They sure remember that blog i wrote about him back then?

speaking of old readers,This one particular stalker alarms me,COZ,they are actually a stalker of mr.u and they stalk me coz they either think I am mr.u OR I am someone closely connected to mr.u..I have to clarify,I AM NEITHER,so move along stalker person,find another target to harrass!


I shall call him mr.c,COZ,ofcourse,we can't reveal his name and unnecessarily,appear in search results for his name search.

His first name starts with c,HENCE ,mr.c

So,yeah,if I think long and hard,HE WAS POSSIBLY my first introduction to AUSSIE MEN.

There is this particular white man phenotype,,which often repeats in aussie land...

Maybe,there was a lot of INBREEDING that took place in aussie land,after all the robust convicts were sent off packing from britain to australia and ofcourse, these white convicts STOLE the land from the ABORIGINES,to whom the land originally belonged.Since,skin color and racial segregation was a british idea to maintain SUPREMACY , inbreeding and certain phenotypes being reinforced has happened in their white majority colonies-aussie land and south US.

A LOT OF CRIMES were committed against aborigines,,MUCH LIKE A LOT OF SIMILAR CRIMES that were committed by the british, in every tropical country they chose to invade,"colonize" and PLUNDER thereafter..

anyways,that is for another blog entry,which I shall shortly write and post on my RAMBLE BLOG.

Coming back to mr.c,


he also had the typical aussie white man phenotype-TALL,handsomely built,blonde hair.

coming to think of it,my first introduction to AUSSIE MEN was MEL GIBSON.


see,look what I am saying?WHY ARE AUSSIE MEN SO GOD-DAMN sexually attractive?

The aussie man WORK OUT REGIMEN is more RUGBY BOD style,working out all body parts and hence makes AUSSIE MEN appear more robust and well balanced all round, UNLIKE, the american man work out,where pectorals and arms are worked out in excess and hence the WORKED OUT AMERICAN MEN,look like popeye buffoons,,,DISPROPORTIONATE and imbalanced muscle mass.The american man work out must be modified so that the men DON'T LOOK SO UNNATURALLY BUFF !

hmmm,so,yeah,I first came to know of MR.C, probably in 2003 -2004?yeah,,,so,that was almost ten years ago.

Just like all other men that I have taken a sexual liking to,there is some great attraction to their personality first.

I THINK mr.c has a GREAT BALANCE to his personality.

very good self control,logical thinking,cool problem solving,kindness,sensitivity but not overly imbalanced in being over sensitive,calm and cool,definitely EFFICIENT and skilled and talented and hardworker when it comes to his work.

and very tall,very handsome,well built,great conversational skills, and though I don't particularly like blonde hair,because of him, I started liking blonde for a bit.

Why am I writing this blog entry?

Well,for one,If you are reading my 12day300pages BLOG SERIES on LECINQBLOG.BLOGSPOT.COM,You will already know that I am attempting a PURGE BLOG series on all of my blogs, in an attempt to purge out ALL RESIDUAL MEMORIES out of my head and prepare my head for a fresh start and a more productive life.

This blog entry is also kind of a PURGE BLOG..

purging the memory of mr.c from my head too.

so,yeah,coming back to mr.c.I WAS DEFINITELY IMPRESSED.

Not in a ,"I want to date him " way,,but in a ":it won't be bad if i had to date this kind of guy" way;

Anyways,long story short.

mr.c has never ever disappointed me by doing stupid things,unlike ,say,mr.u.

MR.U has disappointed me so many times from 2005-2013,,that I called it quits and cut off the mental cord attached to him.

MR.C on the other hand has never never done anything wrong or epitome of perfection,IN MY OPINION.


educated too.Out of all the men i fell for,this one and mr.purple actually did really well in college...

who is mr.purple?

another blog entry coming up about mr.purple too.

Anyways,coming back to mr.c,He never disappointed me for years of having crushed on him,till somewhere in 2008 the crush faded out.

and then I stopped keeping myself informed about what he was up to.

Very recently a few months ago,I looked him up and WAS DISAPPOINTED at what had happened meanwhile.

he had moved to the us, and had dated and impregnated this lady,who he then got engaged to ,had a son and then after having that son,got married.

okay,DISAPPOINTMENT that he impregnanted someone and THEN,married them.

he is the last person i figured would do such an OUT OF CONTROL thing...

don't men know how to use protection?



Mr.c was the last person I thought who would do such a thing.

the calm,smart,cool collected logical thinking man with a lot of self control,went and had a kid and married the kid mama?WHAT?

This the same judgement that made me write this LOOONG BLOG ENTRY, bashing anthony bourdain,who is 60 years old, impregnanted this restaurant employeed italian immigrant lady who is old enough to be his daughter, and then ,after she had their daughter,married this woman.

THAT IS CALLED "settling" my friend!



so,yeah,SURELY,mr.c,knew that unprotected sex will lead to a pregnancy,no?

do men stop thinking when it comes to DICK MATTERS?

SO,yeah,i feel like mr.c,settled for less than what he deserved ..

the lady he is now married to is REALLY NOT what I thought was his type to begin with.

not from his work field,not really that smart,not that super beautiful either.

but,with men, there is no telling,,they end up with weird sexual fetishes after watching too much porn and maybe he has a special fetish for women who look like her..or some such.who knows!



he has high standards from what i knew of him from 2004,,so,his current choice of wife,doesn't fit my idea of the kind of woman he would settle down with..


something doesn't fit right!

but again,he is still the calm, collected,confident,efficient person at work.he still continues to be super handsome too...

but I don't know..

just disappointed , is all!

something in this story doesn't sit right with me..I feel bad for him that he settled for less!

Tags: mr_c ,purge_blog, crush, 2004,aussie_man,australia

Sunday, November 3, 2013



This Blog article(EXCEPT EXCERPTS) is creative property of Dr.A.R aka LecinQblog.This blog article originally was written for and is meant to appear on any one of the blogs in this list .If you find this blog article anywhere other than on BLOGSPOT,please visit my original blog,find my email address and email me with details of where else you read this blog entry.All my blogs are AD-free blogs AND I completely frown upon someone else trying to make money off my blogs without my prior written permission.



Poem by Dr.A.R aka Lecinqblog

Disengaging from the tiny tango,

is a part of this dance.

Me,the swan ,

gliding on the dance floor,

alone and shiny,

doing my dainty dance,

sometimes strong and acrobatic,

sometimes gentle and delicate,

Me,the swan,

gliding on the dance floor,

as the crowd watches and cheers.

Me,the swan ,gliding on the dance floor,

And as I dance,

I spot you at the fringes,

standing in your dark glow,

The dark feathered man duck,

cute and sweet,

quacking in your tongue,

A cluckety guttural speech,

I glide along dancing,

constantly distracted by you,

standing at the fringes,

quacking away in your deep dark garb.

I constantly look over my shoulder,

slightly distracted from my dance,

I do that so often that I pay note,

Who is this duck in deep dark feathers,

and this pleasant guttural quack?

I gesture to you,

I call you over,

to dance along,

just for a bit,

just for a tiny tango.

I gesture wildly till you take note,

And take note ,you do.

You stop your quacking and take note,

of the pristine bejewelled swan!

She dances and sings these strange notes,

you are bemused by her strange swan tongue!

Notes that sound interesting to your duck ear,

bemused and interested,

you take note,

of the bejewled swan,

gliding along the dance floor.

We are but the same,

me the gliding swan in water,

you the paddling duck in water,

but water birds all the same,

we are both water birds.

I gesture wildly till you take note,

half surprised,

Is it me you are calling?

And then,

in full public view,

You pitter patter your duck feet,

as you eagerly walk across the dance floor,

to join me in a dance.

You reach me,

And we ENGAGE in a tiny tango ,

our kind eyes lock for but a moment,

your kind duck eyes meet my kind swan eyes.

We are but the same,

gliding water birds,

gliding and singing,

water birds we are.

We do our tiny little tango,

shoulder to shoulder,

arms entangled,

feet in rythm,

eyes locked,

we have our tiny little tango.

Then,as we are still doing our tango,

I look over to the fringes where you were standing before,

there they were,

your whole duck family,

mama duck and baby ducks,

looking along,

slightly alarmed at our tiny tango,

slightly troubled,

but yet cheering on.

And ,as we are doing our tiny little tango,

for just a little bit more,

I disengage and retire to the fringes,

without a word to you,

without a gesture,

an abrupt retirement.

You seem nonplussed,

wondering why I stopped,

But I quickly walk away,

into the changing rooms ,

out of your view,

while you stand alone in the dancing arena.

You then slowly walk back to your duck family,

dejected and deep in thought,

invigorated by my dance,

yet surprised by it all,

a new experience,

a different experience.

Upon your return,

mama duck seems relieved,

baby ducks don't know any different,

they quack along at your return.

Many dances pass,

no sign of me on the dance floor,

your tired eyes search for me,

the prinstine swan gliding way.

I am not in view,

I am in the changing rooms,

drinking water,

changing constumes,

recuperating and reassessing.

And finally after a long time,

I reemerge,

strengthened and enlightened by my brief rest.

When I re-emerge on the dance floor,

I am a new me,

And yet,

As I glide along on the dance floor,

My eyes constantly run to you.

I notice your sad face,

yearning for yet another dance,

like the tiny little tango,

that we had not long ago.

So I gesture for you again,

for another tiny little tango.

But,you hesitate this time,

you look at your duck family,

as if to seek their approval and blessing.

They give it half heartedly,

and you pitter patter, yet again,

across the dance floor,

and then we have a tiny little tango,

yet again.

Another new tiny little tango!

This time it isn't as effortless.

I try to keep our bodies from getting closer,

yet trying to teach you the dance,

I try to push you further,

while still holding close.

The effort shows,

The struggle shows,

And for a minute,

you try to learn,

You try to do the tiny little tango.


This is a different tiny little tango ,

different from the previous one,

and then,as you try to meet my eyes,

I look away,

I am focusing more on the floor,

And,Your kind eyes moisten.

When I finally look up to meet your eyes,

You look down focusing on the floor.

Our eyes never meet this time.

This is a different tiny little tango,

no spontaneous charm,

no gay abandon,

just lowered eyes and

cautious footsteps.


you DISENGAGE from this tiny tango,

and walk back to the waiting duck family.

The ducklings are eagerly quacking at your return,

mama duck is relieved you are back in her arms.

and me ,

the pristine swan continues to glide on the dance floor,

as the crowds applaud the finesse of my dance,

my strong moves and my delicate turns,

The gliding swan continues to glide on the dance floor.

Copyright © LeCinQBlog


Tags: #dilemma #mr_t #friends #comrades #chemistry #sexuality #love_lost #past_love

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