Poem written by Dr.A.R aka Lecinqblog.
This is copyrighted material,
PLEASE DO NOT REPRODUCE OR USE without prior written permission from A.R
Just before I go to sleep,
Just like that,
I learn to sexually respond in my mind to a new man.
Another man,
Even older,
than the previous one,
the previous one?
I rebuked for being too old,
for me to pursue!
This new one ?
comparitively anciently older,
and yet !
The mental orgasm ;
That the old monster was able to give me,
I am able to experience it anew,
With a newer man,
A newer but more ancient man.
This february night,
in the month of valentine,
Just before I go to sleep,
For a few minutes,
I imagine myself looking into this man's deep emotionally loaded eyes,
too much emotion in him,
it is always that way as I notice,
too many times i have seem him start talking about something from the past,
Very dear to his heart,
And he almost starts to well up in tears,
I think that it is this side of his,
the childlike emotional side of an old man,
not ashamed to go there to places in his mind,
places that cause him to want to cry,
but he stops short of actually crying each time.
I think it is "pity love" yet again,
why is it always that ,with me,
pity evokes far more love in me for people,
then , then,
the "pity love" transforms into a motherly "taking in",
like you take a crying child to your bosom,
"taking in" of his soul into mine,
our souls color each other,
And soon the unconditionality of takin in someone and their soul,
allows me to sexually react to them,
but only,but only
if the time and person is appealing to me in other ways too.
So, now,
on a february night,
the month of valentine,
just before I go to sleep,
All i can think of ,
is him.
His stories,
His emotion filled stories,
His juvenile body language when he is all of 48,
His broad face,
a face that immediately reflects what he feels.
He is not afraid to show on his face exactly how he feels,
His playfulness,
how good he wears those shirts,
men who look good in dress shirts have always caught my sexual eye.no?
His skin that tans ever so easily,
making it go clayily bronze after days of sun,
strangely and newly I realize,
I am attracted to his bronze hue.
The square jaw,
The strong jaw,
the way he pops things into his mouth and
noisily bites into them,
the strong jaw.
I mutter under my breath,
The way he wields things with his left hand,
something so sexy about deft lefthanded men,no?
(of which too many are around me these days,)
(too many left handed old men around me !)
And then, for some reason,
I keep muttering under my breath,
"But he is so handsome,oh, but he is so handsome"
I repeat that over and over,
under my breath,
every single time I see him.
"aww,truly,how can he be so handsome?"
over and over,
as if in wonderment,
that I actually find him handsome.
I stare at him closer,
to find out why I find him so handsome.
I stare somemore ,
just to verify if i really find him handsome.
Am I talking myself into it?
I stare some more each time,
just to make sure this is a spontaneous thing,
this attraction i feel for a face and a person.
I suspect the attraction is for the persona,
so I squint and stare some more,
to see if he is really handsome,
or am I talking myself into this?
I mutter under my breath yet again,
"oh,but why do I find him so handsome?"
This night,
on this night of february,
the month of valentine,
it happened,
the mental orgasm.
Just as I get ready to sleep,
all tucked up in the buff ,
under my comfy blanket,
in the dark,
I look up at the ceiling and all I can utter is,
"oh, but why so much emotion..why, come here"
I am only imagining all this,
yet it feels real,
much like telepathic love,which is true,
but I seldom imagine such stuff in a sexual manner,
it has to happen spontaneously,out of the blue,
very rarely does it cross over,
from the "reaching-out" to a person ,
to,getting all sexual about it in my head.
So,in february,
the month of valentine,
As I lay down,
I ask him,in my imagination,
as I imagine, he is right there on the bed with me,
and I ask him to be over me
and then I look into his eyes,
as he is heavy on me,
"but why my dear, why so much emotion, why?"
I know I am crossing the pity-love-threshold ,when ,
I start using phrases like "come here" in scenarios.
A simple moment,
a moment in my mind,
but an orgasmic effect on my brain and body,
and then,
the sexual relief from the mind to the body,
Allows me to sleep deep that night.
The next day,
yet another day in february,
the month of valentine,
a whole day of actually saying niblets of my thoughts to him.
I do so ,
because I want to empty my thoughts of him.
I tell him things,
so that I can purge all thoughts of him.
I tell him things in succession,
all eager to empty my mind,
I tell him all this,
barely expecting him to respond,
I don't want him to respond.
I say things in quick succession
I don't want to give him time to respond,
I want to say and bolt before he can react,
I just want to empty my mind,
I want to tell him what I think of him,
then move on.
So,I tell him things,
and then run away before he can react.
I half expect him NOT to pay attention,
I fully hope he doesn't react,
I just want to say and run away,
I DON'T want us to get involved,
but yet ,I want to say my mind,
so ,I say them,like a bravado youngin.
I say and say,
then I run away,
and then,
as night arrives,
weary body lies down to sleep,
in all its nakedness under a cool blanket.
And yet another night of february,
the month of valentine,
I get ready to go to sleep,
Partly playing out all the lines I had told him that day,
well thought out honest lines,
lines that were meant to unburden my soul,
I feel bad that I feel so much for yet another OLD man.
So,before I go off to sleep,
on yet another night of february,
the month of valentine,
I mutter under my breath,
in the dark,
under the blanket,
This is like an ultimatum I give myself,
I make a FIRM mental note to myself,
I say this to protect myself from yet another old man,
I need a young man,
I don't need an old man,
I am too young to be with an old man.
I mutter under my breath,
"I must nip this in the bud !".
Then I mutter some more
"Stop this before it goes too far"
Then some more,
"You are the one who will lose out again"
"Don't pursue this!"
"stop before you pursue this!".
Then I know,
emotionally and mentally,
sexually more so than anything,
but sexual is nothing but emotional and mental put together.
Even before it begins,
I know,
I must get out before it gets deeper,
any deeper.
So,this night in february,
the month of valentine,
I turn over my bed,
to lay on my side
and stare at the wall and
mutter under my breath,
"You must learn to protect yourself"
"Protect yourself BEFORE the damage happens"
"I must withdraw!"
and then I go to sleep.
The next day morning,
I am surprised to find a note from him,
I DIDN'T want him to respond,
I didn't
oh no,
on no,
"oh my gosh, he is getting into the well too!".
The cool waters of the well,
that I inadvertantly got into,
the waters that I wanted to wade for a wee bit in,alone.
I wanted to do so alone ,
And then get out of the well,
oh no,
Why did he get into the well as well?
Severe panic,
because I was there in the well,
already swimming alone in the cool dark waters,
alone and swimming in the well I was,
singing praises of him from my soul,
and then he hears my songs.
He has sharp ears,
eager sharp ears looking to hear solemn songs,
so he notices and hears,
he peeps into the well.
What he sees is a pretty maiden,
"Strong eloquent maiden this one,swimming in a well?"he thinks.
"singing all but songs about me?" he asks,
Then, just like that,with ease,
he gets into the well too.
and then he just jumps into the well too?
oh,but why?
I dread,
because this a well,
it is cool and calm,
but yet,it is dark and deep,
and there is no going anywhere from here.
It is a well,
it is not a river or ocean,
it is a well,
quickly but surely,
one of us needs to get out.
This is what I wanted to withdraw from.
So, I swim uncomfortably while he is also in the well,
the loud free songs I was singing before,
they now trail away.
I stop short to think to myself,
"what do I do?"
"do i abruptly get out?"
"should I just swim with him here for a bit?"
But,this is a well,
this is not a river,
Rivers go to the sea,
wells go nowhere!
There is no going anywhere with this.
Then,out of an impuslive whim,
I decide,
I decide to continue,
to sing out all the songs I wrote for him,
empty my songs into the well while I am still here.
I decide I will empty myself completely,
before I get out of this well.
So,I sing yet another song,
he listens intently,
yet another song,
he listens intently some more,
We never talk,
I sing, he listens.
Then suddenly,
I feel the need to explain to him why I sing this way.
This sudden explanation causes him to react strangely!
A strange reaction that.
Maybe he didn't expect me to explain?
Maybe he didn't want me to explain?
Maybe he wanted me to just sing.
The strange reaction causes me to stop singing anymore,
I still had a few songs left in me for him.
I wanted to sing out all of them before I left,
but his strange reaction stifled my songs.
Now,there are a few songs left residually in my soul,
and I don't like that!
I don't like residues!
His strange reaction surprised me,
It opened up a self-doubtful-part of his heart to me.
Projection never appeals to me,does it?
So, I am baffled by his strange reaction.
So,suddenly,I am hurt and stifled,
I doubt,
I stop singing,
I get out of the well for a bit.
I sit at the bankment of the well,
deep in contemplation.
He is still in the water,
I wonder why.
I don't notice him much anymore,
it is getting darker,
no real saying if anyone is in the water or not.
I sit at the bankment for a bit,
then I walk around,
doing chores,
thinking and rethinking my songs.
Oh but,
maybe my songs are all stupid,
maybe I imposed myself too much,
no more songs,
no more songs.
but, I
no tears yet.
He clearly felt imposed upon,
okay,no more songs,
no more songs for him,
no more.
Yet another night in february,
the month of valentine,
I get off to a fitful sleep,
dark soul in darkness,
silence and sadness.
I wake up the next day,
I run to the well,
too dark in the dawn to see,
looks like no one is there in the water.
I decide to get once more into the water,
one last time,
to leave a parting note for him,
a tiny little lotus flower,
a goodbye present.
I leave a note, no songs this time,
just a note,
saying I won't sing any more songs,
the parting gift of a lotus.
Then I leave,
I am not sure,
I walk back in self doubt,
it was dawn in the dark,
what if he was still in the water,
wanting to swim,
swim with me.
I left in the dark of dawn,
not wanting to return to that well again,
not wanting to sing any more songs,
no more songs for him.
Burdened by some residual songs ,
that were left unsung,
I have a heavy heart.
No tears yet,
yet another february evening,
the month of valentine,
fitful sleep,
no tears yet.
I mutter under my breath,
"I should not have imposed to BOLDLY"
I mutter somemore,
"I read signals all wrong"
"I impose myself on others,"
"Me and my stupid need to sing soul songs"
Yet another february night,
the month of valentine,
I drift into extremely fitful sleep.
Next day comes,
I don't even go to the well,
Then,by afternoon,
too burdened by my unsung songs,
I go to the well.
I am taken by surprise to find something there,
to see,
another colored lotus,
waiting for me?
"He left a lotus for me?"
I see a strange shadow of a man,
over at the distant other edge of the embankment,
stretching out his hand ,
to what seems like a reflection.
He doesn't realize there is no one else inside the well,
I was not in the water,
but he thinks the reflection is me in person,
so he stretches out his hand,
to my reflection in the water.
While in that very minute,
in that very minute,
when I am admiring the lotus he left for me,
he is stretching out his hand to my reflection in the water.
He probably had been waiting for hours since dawn,
And while in the afternoon,
just as I arrive at the well,
admiring the lotus,
he had already waited for hours by then.
Just as I realize what has happened at the well,
in those few hours of my absence from it,
I am slightly reluctant to get right into the water,
but his lotus present for me,
it makes me burst into tears,
tears finally!
And,I am still reluctant,
to get into the water,
I CAN'T join him,
This will get far too deeper for me to handle.
If we openly join hands this way ,
people will see,
I can't do this,
I can't do this with him,
the old man.
I can't get into this water,
I can't.
While I am struggling to decide,
his outstretched hand aches in anticipation.
I can't decide.
This is far too tough for me,
The decision is very dilemma-inducing,
some tears,then silence,
Mind is racing,
but he is waiting with an outsretched hand,
yet,and still!
Can't let a courageous man alone and waiting,
in the waters of the well,
The well that I beckoned him into with my songs.
yet,can't decide.
My songs were innocent and un-scheming,
I didn't expect or want him to get into the well,
but given that he is what he is,
the man who does what he feels,
he just had to jump into the well.
I am suddenly reminded of his strange reaction,
I pull back,
why did he say hurtful things?
and then.
why did he turn around and leave me a lotus?
He now swims there waiting ,
with an outstretched hand,
he has been waiting for hours now.
And,as the afternoon sun pierces the water of the well,
and heats it up,
he is waiting,
and I am sitting at the banks of the well,
clutching the lotus left for me by him.
So, I decide to find another lotus,
to give it back to him.
I take a walk,
in search of a new lotus for him,
And in much reluctance,
when I return to the well,
His lotus is gone too,
The lotus that I had sat there clutching for a bit,
that is gone too!
I am suddenly relieved,
not needing to respond anymore,
not feeling the pressure to reach out to his hand.
All i wanted was to sing songs in a well,
for a bit.
Now ,I am sitting at the bank of the well,
with a few residual songs in my soul,
burdening my soul,
him having left the well.
I can see his watery footprints walking away,
his lotus is gone too,
I can follow his watery footprints and find him?
I won't,
The residual songs remain unsung ,
my soul is a slightly heavy one now.
But,I am not following his footprints,
I NEED him to go ,
I don't want him to come to the well,
I WON'T come to this well,
the lotuses will be left alone.
No more songs too,
and I DON'T want an old man,
I don't want an old man.
Now and again,
I have this urge to sing out his songs ,
no new songs come up in my mind,
it is only those residual songs,
that never got sung,
they want to come out sometimes.
I remember his first initial strange reaction,
and then,
no more songs for us,
no more swims in the well,
no more holding hands,
no more exchanging lotuses.
I WAIT FOR the watery footprints to dry out,
leaving no trace of his path,
I have a vague idea,
of the direction of where he went,
A fleeting love of february is better left alone!
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A piercing stare
Eye contact
Like Sand in my fist
Self perception as a commodity
Two sides of a coin
maniac-depressive disorder
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paul mc cartney
Thursday, March 7, 2013
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Love is all you need!
Hello Drea,
I like the turn you take that in the end you decide that having a relationship with an older man is unhealthy. I also like the metophorism and honesty with which you go into the details of your feelings ... by putting these feelings in such form into your poem you transform the feeling into a pure reflection. This seems a good way to get into introsight instead of letting oneself be lead by an extrior experience.
Even in the narrative of the poem itself you seem to make clear that you want to keep the situation under control and not be lead by the "object/subject of interest" that other person that is.
The sound of the words are nicely poetical, I really like those, though the length of the piece is - although it gives everything an important weight - challenging to read :oP
The only thing I personally didn't like so much is the metaphor of the lotus, because I dislike plucking flowers, but I understand the metaphor I believe, so I am not at war with that aspect :o)
But what I really like is the true openness in your poem. That is absolutely wonderful!!!
Glad you shared this poem with me, will roll the poem around in my mind.
Hey hon,
I love it.
It's very emotionally charged and very raw, in my opinion.
You lay it all on your sleeves, something that I haven't been able to do in a while.
And, with every word I read, I feel your message.
I feel it like you wrote it for me.
Thank you for this.
Don't stop.
Enjoyed the poem, very vivid.. is it based on a true story? I was transported to where the persona is and it was really alive. Loved it.
hellow and big hugs to gita(niceswine),
YOU NAILED IT, when you say, this poem is an effort into INTROSIGHT...
that is exactly what it is...(I have such wonderful friends who are on the same wavelength,YAY! )
Secondly,I also am thrilled to know that you realize that the LENGTH of the poem is an attempt at weighing all aspects of the issue adequately AND equally! (yay,gita,I am SO GLAD,i have a literati like you as a friend)
You suddenly brought my attention to the fact the "plucking of flowers" aspect of my lyrics!
I myself always says to all valentine's day lovers, "FLOWERS are best looking on the very plants that produce them" and yet, for some reason, I did talk about giving flower gifts to each other in this poem.
Actually, I feel the need to clarify and justify this for my own sake to you :((
THERE IS THIS BOOK called A TICKET TO RIDE..A book about botany that explains how plants USE animals for propogating their seeds to far off places, since plants themselves CANNOT move from one place to another ...
seed dispersal via flowers or fruits which are eaten by animals is one route.
Also,LOTUS per say is very significant to the whole story...so just had to use that metaphor...
thanks so much for taking the time to really really read it and provide SUCH A WONDERFUL WONDERFUL INSIGHTFUL review...I am glad I asked you to ..hugs and kisses.
(also,cute how you call me DREA...BUT my name is DR.A.R as in doctor. A.R)
thankq so much for such an insightful comment.
Hellow mrhayford.
I know we already completed having this discussion on twitter via @reply..but gonna repost the questions I asked you there in response to your comment here.
that way, all conversations pertaining to this blog article are recorded here right below the article for all future readers to savor!k?
MY Q TO YOU were
a/Would your comment be the same if it were a 33 year man and
a 48 yr old woman?
b/curious to know,way back when U were 33 ,did 48yr old women
appeal to U romantically/sexually?or did they feel too old?
heya jules,
there is a reason why I kept repeatedly insisting you come over to the blog and read the poem..yes,I knew it would touch you ...I have been friends with you for a long time on twitter and I HAVE read your tweets and I would like to think I kinda know you on some level..
GLAD,you finally read it and wrote such a wonderful comment on it too..HUGS!
You clinch it when you say, I was RAW
Yes,I deliberately MEANT IT TO BE SO RAW...
and yes, I wear it on my sleeve..take a little bit of courage to do that..and that is what i WANTED TO DEMONSTRATE to all readers and lovers..that YOU MUST WEAR YOUR LOVE ON YOUR SLEEVE...SHOW IT FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE!
YES.on some level, I did write it for you and other emotional peeps like you who can read this and understand it on a different level :))
tight hugs.and much love
Hello savvy,
As you happily await for baby jeremy(let us record your fully pregnant pre-motherhood moment on my blog too-LOL),I am glad I made you read a poem full of love while fully pregnant!!
..HOPE THE BABY FELT THE LOVE while you read a poem laden with utter love :)))
Well, no real lotuses or wells were involved in the real fleeting love story in february..but yes,this poem is based on a REAL PERSON, whom I call MR.T ...(see the tags under the poem).
if you look around this poetry blog,I can assure you that every single poem in this blog is about SOME VERY TRUE MOMENT that I experienced with a person that really exists in this world.
yes...there is mr.u,mr.green,mr.purple, and now mr.T and let us not forget mr.pink...
so,yeah,,on some level,metaphors of lotuses withstanding,the lovestory happened.(surely from my side..wonder what MR.T thinks of all this as an afterthought in his life)
Sorry for taking so long to reply. My initial reaction took me to a mindset of reflection on my own past relationships. I have always dated older women and have had to break through a barrier of isolation they would create (similar to the one you created in this poem) as a result of age to get closer to them. The metaphor of your own well resonated with me as a result. It was always the ability of someone to be willing to mingle in someone elses "water" while not making it too "crowded" that would result in a successful relationship. Aside from my personal thoughts and reflections, I enjoyed that the poem made me go down my memory lane and recall positive thoughts.
Youth or age does not matter, what matters is what one bring to the relationship.
Brings, NOT depends.
If one knows what one brings, being given is not important. It is when one questions receiving, that it becomes... a problem
Hello my friend! I think your poem is very beautiful. Verily! It reminds me of the scene where the old guy marries the younger girl at the end of Shampoo leaving the skirt chasing hairdresser lamenting on what might have been.
My only criticism is this;
Your poem reads like a long overwrought indefinable sonnet with virtually no regard for any kind of pattern.
And yet I LOVED it!
And what did I love? Well...
I was really intrigued by the "well" metaphor.
I saw it (the well) as the younger woman's personal space and the older man figured out a way of including himself in that space.
Once she started getting used to (and liking) him being there she let her guard down and began baring her soul to him.
That is until his unexpected and strange reaction to her blatant honesty.
That was an unexpected twist and it pulled me into the story and (despite of the length of the poem) I had to find out how things were going to turn out.
I also like how you occassionaly remind us that it is February, night, AND the month of Valentine.
In my previous comment I said your poem reminded me of a scene from the movie Shampoo but I think it reminds me more of several of the older woman/younger man scenes from the movie Unfaithful in which an older married woman is seduced by and falls in love with a younger man. He works his way into her "well" and before long she's doing things that she wouldn't normally do. Of course this leads to a tragic ending that could have been avoided had she not allowed him to spend so much time in her "well" in the first place.
P.S. You should submit your poem to www.poetry.com just to see what kind of unbiased reviews you get.
Heya mikey(@uberphipps)
Two points that you touched that no one else touched before you are
a/How a certain person might create a BARRIER OF ISOLATION around them because of the age difference between them and the person they are dating
b/You pointed out how in the poem,the WELL has been used as an analogy or metaphor to represent PERSONAL SPACE,And how people should be able to mingle into someone else's water without making the WELL FEEL CROWDED, to make a relatioship a success.
GOOD JOB ,just like I expected from you
heya victor,
I think you should elaborate on the BRING part of it ,then, we can discuss in the comments.k?
Heya RC,
I am glad you mentioned that you found the poem "long overwrought indefinable sonnet with virtually no regard for any kind of pattern" I deliberately meant it to not have any pattern and I DELIBERATELY made it SUPERLONG.
Most of my poems on this poetry blog are FIRST DRAFTS that are usually typed frantically onto the keyboard IN A FIT OF EMOTION and clicked PUBLISH,no editing whatsoever.
However, the current above poem is a fourth draft.It started off small, then I delibarately elongated it and then waited for the real life events to unfurl and finally culminate AND then i added all events into the poem to make it a COMPLETE STORY JOURNALING THE WHOLE MONTH!
The poem obviously HAS SUCCEEDED to capture the day to day struggle and moods, then?
Interesting to note that just like PHIPPS in the comments above you,you noticed the WELL METAPHOR.
Thirdly, I really liked it that inspite of it being long, YOU LIKED IT...I am happy about that fact.your opinion matters to me.
Also, I am glad you caught my attempt to create a mood of suspense, that FORCES THE READER TO KEEP READING THE POEM THOUGH IT IS PAINFULLY LONG, just coz they wanted to know what is gonna happen at the end...YAY!
Also, I wanted someone to point out the FEBRUARY THE MONTH OF VALENTINE sentence out..you did ..yay!
Your comment is so so joy-giving..thankee..big tight hugs
via EMAIL DATED march 24,2013
I was quickly put
into a state of suspension of disbelief,
feeling your feelings, thinking your thoughts, instead of the ole' familiar
Though at some points, my own thoughts, felts, and beliefs were triggered, my mind interrupting with the need to laying them both
out, yours beside mine, to compare and contrast, recognize familiarity, recognize unfamiliarity, to feel the relationship between
our patterns.
I spent the most time with thoughts of yours that were unfamiliar to me.
I've never felt conflicted about the future of a
relationship with anyone because of age. I thought that was interesting and wondered if I'll ever feel that way.
If old could mean Jenny, the lips and figure of Marilyn Monroe, Mormon mother of two, a
wild, free, beautiful soul. I don't know. I couldn't help but consider the possibility that you feel as though you are on some sort of
inevitable path to fall for progressively older people.
In the next poem, he's in a retirement home, and the last poem's in the morgue.
People often feel that the choices they are making have some sort of inertia that that restricts their choice.
Why do people take so long to free themselves? What if we instead embraced "the changing of one's mind"?
Like most any other pattern, there could be an evolutionary basis for us being prone to persistence in behavioral patterns for long enough to evaluate their effect, despite having issues with or undergoing stress for the sake of the experiment.
I guess that is the whole essence of feeling conflicted: having issues with your choice
Now that I'm no longer making any sense,I'll continue and say something about something else the poem initiates.
Throughout the experience, I felt a sense of imbalance in the relationship, but it became increasingly complex to sense which direction the scales were tipping.
I still felt this way to the end. Tipping scales and uncertainty, the early stages, dating,
In the Beginning, The Great Lovesong. It's all so exciting, stressful, uncomfortable, or maybe it's exclusively pure bliss for the hardcore optimists and the
The tipping of scales, rocking the boat, capsizing the ship.
In the end, the uncertainty, the taking of stock, returns.
The next will be older,like you. We'll all be older for the next one.
Dear Okie JON,
First off, BIG HUGS for such a fabulous comment...You JUST MADE ME MIGHTY PROUD TO BE YOUR BIG SIS.
You are so much younger than me and I keep calling you baby brother and lil brother and LOOK AT YOU,,the comment, SO WISE...SO SMART...:)))))
Ever since you EMAILED me the comment on mar 24 2013, i constantly RECALL this sentence of yours
"I couldn't help but consider the possibility that you feel as though you are on some sort of
inevitable path to fall for progressively older people. In the next poem, he's in a retirement home, and the last poem's in the morgue."
i RECALL this sentence of your's,especially when I am doing dishes and then CHUCKLE at your observation...awwww,funny,cute and callous and making fun of me.LOL.
I like how my POEM was succesful in transporting you into feeling my feelings..and also allowED you to compare them with your own.
ONe main reason why I MADE YOU read this poem is coz,WE HAVE SOME SIMILAR PATTERNS in behavior...which is also why you are my lil brother?
You talk about
b/embracing the "changing of one's mind"
aWWW,how wise my lil brother is...yes..you are right...yes..I MUST EMRACE MY CHANGING MIND..
You also talk about
c/EVOLUTIONARY basis for persistence in behavioUrs despite having issues with it or experiencing stress
VERY VERY INTERESTING THIS...you are so fucking smart,my kid:))
You also talk about
d/me being conflicted about my persistent choice patternS
YES,YOU NAILED IT...instead of GOING TO MIT,maybe you should have gone to med school then psychiatry?CUTE..
awww, "the great lovesong"
YES,IT WAS MY INTENTION TO KEEP THE READER on the edge of the chair till the very end..also,the whole real life incidents were keeping me myself very stressed and imbalanced and confused too,so yeah...My MONTH OF FEB was how this poem is
thanks for being my little brother...HUGS AND KISSES
on it...
honestly, some strands of monotony with the old man bit. I visualise the inner struggle but overkill... Hmmm
Good piece overall but also thought it could be about masturbation on that February night at some some point. Jk!]
I like the style. Some creative imagery. The part about the river goes to the sea and the well nowhere, I loved.
what is it about, other than the overt themes?
boo! Ok I will read it again and let you know:)
I really liked it....and kinda related to it...awesome stuff
it is siper long. Had to struggle to keep reading after a bit. But it is vividly written. I could feel the struggle
lots of double meanings... At least to me. But again, i could feel the struggle
ok... Large commentary you shall have
i will come back and read it. Im sure things will come up that i hadnt seen
At work right now but best believe I will read it when I'm off.
hey, there you are, I will try to read through your poem, it's really long, give me some time :)
Read it! I am not a critic, far from it, but I liked it :)
I read it...it was long though...but a good read it was!
ten lines? That's a long review isnt it...
I will, I will;))
I feel it.It could have done with a bit of editing, but the sentiments are valid.Don't supress, don't doubt,
strong emotions.No shame When Robert Frost was asked what it takes to be a great poet, he said"use what you have".
Would your comment be the same if it were a 33 year man and
a 48 yr old woman?
I'll have a look and leave a comment
@MRHAYFORD replies to @lecinqblog
They did.Some older women still bear their sexuallity proudly, know how to cut to thye chase.Some intimidate me---if married!
Truth to tell, there are 25-yr old women who are "too old " for me.Sexuality is in the mind
I'm not into poetry. Sorry. I doubt I would have a 10 line comment about anything
@Lecinqblog replied to @mrhayford
very happy that your answer is not gender biased.VERY PROUD you think that way..I am so favoriting this!@
thanks for such a perfect review...totally love the way you covered all points in your review
I just read in closer to your poem and I really like it. You say your blog swallows comments, how can I comment? Let me know :o)
I posted my comment
Old as in "worn out", mentally and physically used up!
Jeremy is the name.. will get back to you on the poem
loved the poem, very vivid and is the storyline based on a true experience? Feels like. Left a comment too :)
just read it :) thank you.
I've been reading it, just in parts. You'll here from me soon I promise you. At work.
I did read it. The first day you sent me the link. Sorry for not getting to reply yet. What type of response, just my reaction?
alrighty...not been around, but will do so when I can sit down and give my proper critique yes?
I was speechless after reading! Somewhere along e way I was consumed w emotions..your choice of words painted them perfectly!
@Lecinqblog replied to @210Keem
okie dokie .reading it in parts is the BEST way to deal with such a poem.I surely want to see what you comment (EVENTUALLY).yeah?:)
from what I read so far, wooooow....this older cat got you sprung! LOL!
Something tells me this is a lot more than a poem! All of this really happened last month, didn't it?
you're going to have to tell me about how exactly you met this man. He has your hormones going wild and your heart confused!
@Lecinqblog replied to @210Keem
lol..wow..it took you this long to figure that out?I always always only write poems inspired from something in real life
first tell me..did you make a ten line comment on the blog?you have to comment on imagery,emotion,story,thoughts,personal ideas on
@210Keem replied to @lecinqblog
I'm a work now but I'll give you my commentary when I get home.
hey DREAR :o) I read your reply to my comment and I thank you for it! I also send a shout out to @mrhayford in this context!
I finally read your poem and left a comment (I think). It's beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.
good poem by the way
iv posted twice on the poem. Please check, I still can't see it. So strange
hey. been settling in to a new job so not much time on my hands at the moment to write and extensive
OK :) Give me a few days.
I tried postings one but it didnt allow me to..I dont know why...twice infact did I try
i have seen the posts you made to me, but am not as active on twitter. I was not aware you had a blog...
and have not read your poem. Not ti say that I won't, just haven't yet.
just read it its a long one, very emotional, i liked the left handed guy section always always found them sexy. The poem is...
Hi doctor, I started reading it but you are right, it is very long! I need more time to read the whole piece :)\
Thanks for your understanding. I will do it. I promise. :)
will do it. I promise. :)
Will comment by this weekend :)
depends. do you want honesty or flattery? lol. sure I'll read it
I think you are a siren, explaining why. I enjoyed it.
I did read it...I appreciate that you appreciate my comment. btw, your poem would make a great short film
I read the poem. It was pretty long but I got the gist of it. Nicely done.
siren as in the sirens who sit on the rocks and lure sailors in :-)
20 APR 2013
Ja, hab ich :) fand es interessant und es erinnerte mich ein bisschen an "For Good" aus dem Musical Wicked, weil ich danke, dass Jeder Mensch, den man trifft, eine Art Lehrer sein kann, ohne die wir nicht die Menschen wären, die wir heute sind :)
(TRANSLATION:Yeah, I found it interesting :) and it reminded me a bit of "For Good" from the musical Wicked because I thank every person you meet may be a kind of teacher, without whom we would not be the people we are today :)
21 APR 2013
ja, bin ich :) sehr gerne, die Kommentare habe ich auch bereits gelesen, mein Kommentar kommt später dazu :D
(TRANSLATION:yes, I'm very happy :), the comments I have already read my comments to come later: D)
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Welcome to all invitees of the POETRY FOCUS GROUP,and also to the usual readers of this blog,friends and family, ALL ALIKE!
A few guidelines for commenters:
1/A ten line commentary/critical review of the poem is "desirable"- inorder to adequately cover all aspects of poetry appreciation.
2/Please comment on the subject matter/storyline of the poem.
3/comment on the psychological and emotional ramifications that you perceive as present in the poem
4/share personal stories or any thoughts that immediately come to your mind when you read the poem
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