I started twittering (or tweeting )on April 3rd.I have made quite a few friends on twitter.. not the friends you call when you need someone to urgently come over home when you are super sick but the kind of wonderful friends with whom you share thoughts, give and get emotional support and have discussions with.
MJD is from portugal..she is a wonderful lady and is officially my twitter sister . We came across each other due to our common appreciation for Jason Mraz music.
For the past three days. MJD has embarked upon the task of teaching me Portuguese, and I am thoroughly enjoying the exercise..Since i can't pay her any real money as the tuition.I decided to make a sketch of her childhood picture(this pic is, from what I gather, her favorite picture)as a token of my appreciation to her.
Anyone who is here coz i asked you to rate this sketch..Please do so in the comments section right here or DM me on twitter with your rating.I so would like feedback about my artwork.
That's really sweet.
This is a very good sketch, I really like it. Hope to see me.
Oh now I meant: This is a very good sketch, I really like it. Hope to see more!!!!!! (an not "me", haha, that was a typo. Not a Freudian one though.)
This is a very beautiful sketch...I like how you captured the tiny teeth and the eyes so full of wonder! Very nice!
Very nice sketch!I'm a horrible artist so I have appreciation for those who can draw. ☼
awe, I love the expression in the eyes, you did a great job!
Heya everybody.Thanks so much for providing your valuable opinions on this sketch. much appreciated.Also many thanks to all others who sent me their rating via DM and @ replies..
You guys rock..Many hugs.
You are all welcome to provide constructive criticism as well.
If any of you want me to make a potrait.just post a potrait pic on your twitter profile and DM me and I will try to sketch them as and when i make time.K?
Great Job, probably a little heavy on trying to get shodows others very good... I'm now guessing you also drew AE... ps thanks for twitter friendship... you are fun to tweet with...
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Welcome to all invitees of the POETRY FOCUS GROUP,and also to the usual readers of this blog,friends and family, ALL ALIKE!
A few guidelines for commenters:
1/A ten line commentary/critical review of the poem is "desirable"- inorder to adequately cover all aspects of poetry appreciation.
2/Please comment on the subject matter/storyline of the poem.
3/comment on the psychological and emotional ramifications that you perceive as present in the poem
4/share personal stories or any thoughts that immediately come to your mind when you read the poem
5/comment on the lyrical style or writing style.Talk about analogies,examples,similies,poetric rythm of the poem
6/Read comments of fellow commenters and feel free to respond to their comments.
7/But,no personal attacks on the author or fellow commenters will be tolerated.
8/However,you are free to CRITICIZE on any negative aspects of the poem.
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