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click on picture to see a larger version-three fingered halloween hand pincushion-lecinQblog sewing series |
This is a halloween special art project.This is also a sewing project
to make sewing accesories.
What is a sewing accesory?
Well,something that we would use while sewing ,to help us sew.
I have been SERIOUSLY taking up sewing projects in the past couple of
years and as i went all serious with my sewing projects,i got all
finicky about my sewing accesories too.Only frantic finicky sewers end
up needing pincushions now,don't they?
I have been sewing since I was a kid.My mom is a physics graduate but
she also DOUBLE-MAJORED with a second degree in fashion design and
garmet making.(smart mom means smart kids,no?)She is a big combo of
art and science and I am a big combo in art and science too ..yay!
I have grown up watching her make my birthday dresses .Each birthday I
would get a dress,very very elegantly and meticulously designed and
made by my mom.What a beautiful birthday present,no?
My sis would get a similarly lovely birthday dress of her own for her
birthday each year.
BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL dresses my mom used to make for us as
kids.particularly chosen fabrics textures,specially designed patterns
,cute hand selected buttons,colors and what not...awwww!
Now,my mom had grown old and both of us sisters have moved out of home
and so, mom has started making QUILTS instead of dresses.Good switch,
I must say.
...hey...btw,,this blog was supposed to be a halloween special,so,let
us get around to discussing it.THEN YELLOW,THREE FINGERED,HALLOWEEN
Each year,every one WASTES tons of money of making or buying
halloween costumes WHICH JUST GET WORN ONCE and then are left rotting
in storage for the rest of the year.And no one really repeats their
costume for next year either..So,essentially,elaborate costumes are
I AM NOT A GREAT FAN OF WASTAGE..Don't like making or doing things
unless i have MORE THAN ONE USE for a thing or have CONSISTENT use for
a thing.
So,needless to say,I AM NOT A BIG CONSTUME WEARER for halloween.
bUT THEN,This year I am making this blog entry for the sake of kids
who are great halloween fans and love halloween fun stuff.... A FUN
BLOG ENTRY for fun loving kids(and adults too)
And guess what,ONCE HALLOWEEN IS OVER,you can continue to use this
halloween hand as a pincushion ALL YEAR THROUGH.
Why is a pincushion a sewing accesory?
Well, for one,REGULAR SEWing enthusiasts, will fully understand,how
bob-pins help the tailor("sewer" almost sounds like sewage gutter)
secure fabric in place while attempting to sew them together.
Taking time to secure the fabric bits in their place prior to sewing
them on the machine DEFINITELY helps attain a sleeker finish .
My mother NEVER USES bob pins..SHE USES a basting stitch to secure
fabrics in place..
I tried using the basting stitch and for some reason,DIDN'T find it comfortable.
So,I went and purchased two tiny boxes of bob pins...Initially, I
would just put them in a bowl or cup and then pick them up as i pin
along..but ,soon, my whole workarea was filled with pins-astray..ON
THE FLOOR, on the couch ,everywhere,PINS !! and when i sat on them,
So that is when it occured to me that having a pincushion is the best
ACCESIBLE,,and yet,making sure I don't having poking pins strewn all
around the house.
SOMETIME IN 2009 OR 2010,i had attempted to make ONE BIG HUMAN
PILLOW...all from scrap clothing ..I DID MAKE IT...and this hand was
part of that human pillow...
I had made that LIFE-SIZE human pillow so that i could use it as a
body pillow in bed...
But since the human pillow was life size and since, in some places ,I
had used CLOTH SCRAPS for filling it out,IT BECAME very very
heavy...and trying to use A VERY HEAVY pillow which almost smothered
me AS A BODY PILLOW just got cumbersome...LOL.
So,finally,in dismay,I DIMANTLED IT...and this hand has been lying
around the house since then.
luckily,i had used sythetic foam to fill out the hand..and thus,the
hand was sufficiently boing-y. (for lack of a better work)
fast forward, 2013..
WHEN I NEEDED A PINCUSHION and was this close to making one for
myself,I SUDDENLY came across this hand AND VOILA,this hand instantly
became my pincushion..
I DID also proceed to make another WRIST BAND pincushion for
myself...but that is for another blog entry.
This halloween hand has only three fingers AND THUS QUALIFIES AS
spooky enough..:)))
it is yellow in color,so ,hopefully it adds to the "disgust factor"
both the outer cover and inner filling are RECYCLED materials.
poly-fill from an old pillow that was shrunken and was about to be
thrown out and the outer cloth is from an old pajama cloth of mine.
Incidentally,the old pajama was in itself a HAND-ME DOWN from one of
my older cousins..So,,RECYCLING at its best..i wore the pajama for
years and finally WHEN I GOT BORED OF IT..i cut out the fabric to use
in various projects!
First off,
I just placed my hand on the yellow pajama fabric .The pajama fabric
is folded over prior to making a hand drawing on it...so,when you draw
your hand outline and then cut,you get two sets of the same cut out...
Then,you just stitch along the edges of the fabric that you cut
out..you can hand stitch or machine stitch and then you reverse it,so
that the raw edges become the innner side..
(sorry, about not posting step-by-step PICTURES),coz,see,I never meant
for it to be a blog entry at all...so,sorry!)YOU DO HAVE PICTURES OF
THE FINAL PRODUCT,up at the beginning of the blog entry though,k?have
a look.
agaain...I DO HAVE ALL MY FINGERS INTACT...but then for some reason,
the other two fingers turned out too thin on the cloth drawing and
could not be filled out,SO THE HAND i made, INADVERTANTLY and
comically ,ENDED up having only three fingers..LOL.
So,first place your own hand on fabric,make a drawing,cut along the
drawing,stitch ,then reverse..
BTW,,WHILE STITCHING,LEAVE the palm end OPEN,,don't stitch there..that
is where you will fill in the hand..k?
Now,you proceed to fill it with polyfill from an old dismantled
pillow.fill the fingers first and use a pencil or chopstick to push
the poly-fill into the fingers .
Then,fill out the palm area..
after filling,,secure the open end with either a hand-stitch or machine stitch..
There must be a wee bit of fabric left on the wider end beyond the
stitch..This fabric bit you use to attach the hand to your sleeves
with a safety pin.
Wear a long coat with sleeves LONGER than your actual hand,so that
your real hand remains hidden under the sleeve, and attach this hand
to the edge of the sleeve using a SAFETY-PIN...This yellow three
fingered hand will hang loose from the sleeve-all halloween style and
when you go around asking for candy,use this hand to show out your
candy basket..
ONCE halloween day is over,,YOU CAN USE THIS HAND AS YOUR
PINCUSHION...I am in love with this pincushion and it comes in handy
cheers and happy halloween everyone!
Tags: #childhood_stories , #halloween , #art_projects , #pincushion ,
#birthday_dresses , #mom , #memories , #sewing_projects ,