This Blog article is creative property of Dr.A.R aka LecinQblog.This blog article originally was written for and is meant to appear on any one of the blogs in this list .If you find this blog article anywhere other than on BLOGSPOT,please visit my original blog,find my email address and email me with details of where else you read this blog entry.All my blogs are AD-free blogs AND I completely frown upon someone else trying to make money off my blogs without my prior written permission.
I knew you were the kiss of poison,
I knew you were the kiss of poison,
the kiss of poison,
the kiss,
the kiss,
the kiss!
I knew you were the kiss of poison,
but I wanted you anyways,
lonely streets are hard to tread,
so i wanted you anyways,
I knew you would leave me one day,
but i kissed you anyways.
I knew you were the kiss of poison,
but i kissed you anyways,
i kissed you anyways,
i kissed you!
i kissed you!
i kissed you!
I kissed you!
I knew you were the kiss of poison,
But i loved you anyways,
I knew you were the kiss of poison,
but i kissed you always,
Everytime ,
everytime you asked me for a kiss,
I kissed you anyways.
A thousand little ballads i wrote,
of our kisses anyways,
I knew you were the kiss of poison,
but i kissed you anyways,
I knew you were the kiss of poison,
but i did it anyways,
I knew you were a passing ship,
but i kissed you anyways,
I kissed you anyways!
I knew,
that i would shed tears one day,
but i kissed you anyways,
I knew you were the kiss of poison,
but i kissed you anyways,
POET'S note about her poem THE KISS OF POISON.
unlike my usual poems on this blog,this is more like a ballad and a SECOND DRAFT.I had to slightly modify the poem to fit into SONG MODE.Actually,I wrote the first stanza of the poem and suddenly A TUNE came into my head that would fit perfectly with the words,so,i quickly,sang out the tune,recorded it and then,wrote the rest of the poem to fit the tune.This is how songwriters probably write their songs,,keeping a tune in mind,or modifying words and thoughts in a poem to FIT INTO A TUNE...
personally,I find that trying to fit into a tune,RUINS the honesty of emotions and thoughts in a poem.there is an element of compromise associated with trying to fit poems into tunes..
Anyways,this poem is one such COMPROMISE POEM..:))...
TAGS: #mr_green,#love,#lust,#gay_abandon, #sensuality, #fleeting_love,#kiss,#stolen_kisses,#temporary_love
Most poems posted on this blog are typed out directly into the compose box and posted immediately.Most poems are FIRST DRAFTS and are written over minutes ,with no paper/mind- edits.Most poems are spontaneous and real.I pride myself at being able to write poems at the drop of a hat , on the spot and in a jiffy.Writing honest poems without editing them helps me to purge my feelings and emotions even more than writing prose.
If you like reading my poems,please,do email me telling me about it.If you are a book publisher, and would like to publish my poems,please email me with a valid official phone number and a feasible book proposal .Thanks!