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Sunday, November 22, 2009

The playlist of TENDER INTENSITY

 This blog entry was written first on Nov 22nd..and it has been just over a month.And usually add postscripts to older blog entries if something connected to the subject matter of that blog entry warrants updating of the blog entry.I usually add such updates the end of the original blog entry and call it a post script.But this time I figured I might add a prescript to this blog entry.
Prescript is dated Dec 24th 2009


The actual  nature of the "Intensity" by itself becomes questionable when you realize that everything on the other side is very ambiguous, secretive and in wraps, where they don't let out the real feelings out in words anymore.. So, all there was, was this 10 hour conversation..Nothing real ever happened after that..It never will; coz , I am like a square peg and they are like a jagged edged hole. and i will never fit in that hole..
Anyways.. again, playlists reflect moods and the present POST INTENSITY PLAYLIST plays only one song and it is a song called 
WHO IS SORRY NOW? by Connie francis

Who is sorry? hmmmmm...very complicated questions..Maybe , another blog entry on my antidote to anger blog will serve its own purpose better.Not here,, not just yet..

Recently i had a long conversation(read 10 hours) with someone. 
Today, a couple of hours ago, I was still recapturing the conversation in my head and as i did that, I selected some songs from my music and put together a playlist.
Playlists are like MOOD METERS.The type of songs you choose at particular points of time to listen to; reflect the mood at that time.

I am just making a record of this playlist--because, I observed that the set of songs I chose were highly representative of my thoughts connected to this person..Indirectly or directly !

Here are the songs

1/Dave Brubeck-Blue Rondo A la Turk

2/OSD-Free diver-Movie-Song-Brutally brutally in love with your children(the line from this song that intensely captures my soul each time i listen to it is>> I am brutally brutally in love with your children, even though, You won't let me have them) awwwww

3/Darren Hayes-Insatiable>>> In my opinion Darren completely  CAPTURES with his angelic voice  the intense emotion of love making

4/Amy Winehouse--Do me good >>lyrics.. Do me good and so this craziness will disappear, Do me good and I will tell you anything you want to hear ! (When she sings do me..she is only asking him to be good to her..not like do her or something..just to put a halt to minds on overdrive)

5/Sean Hayes feat DJ Mark Farina--Dream Machine --This song is hypnotic..Totally,,reminds me of long lonely drives in hot vast deserts ..all sweaty, lonesome.. and yet hypnotically magically 

6/About dreaming with a broken heart-JM-This song will gnaw from inside of your soul after it soaks in first.

7/Eric Clapton -Wonderful tonight--I would say,, a simple kind of love.where she dresses for a  party and duh! simple compliments and simple love..nothing complicated..hmmmmm..

8/George Harrison-Sweet Lord--I know this is like one of those church choruses.. where you get lost in the song for the repetitive trance like state--But yet..worth listening once in a while

9/Goh Nakamura-Highway flowers--Goh is my dear friend..Lyricist par excellence..The lyrics are just too much..any of his songs are just good enough for any time for me..Heya Goh..good job!

10/Again Goh nakamura-Daylight savings-Immense lyrics, immense voice..

11/Goh-Embarcadero blues--again..another anytime song for me..I listen to his songs almost there ya go..nothing specific for this playlist or any such

12/Scissor sisters-I don't feel like dancin

13/The killers-Are we human or are we dancers

14/Carling New kings--Love is just a game, broken all the same --Very interesting, catchy, slow, gets to me 

15/Uni and her Ukelele-Mahalo maui rose-truly,,her songs are always catchy.some of the lesser known artists but very good nevertheless.

16/Maroon 5-She will be loved--each time i listen to this song, I start remembering the music video..I think it is very twisted -very typical of all Maroon 5 videos..hmmmm

17/MIA-Sunshowers-I like the video to this song..all those kids on branches of mango trees..Interesting and a very unique sound 

18/Midnight cowboy-Everybody is talking at me, i don't hear a word they are saying, Only the echoes of my mind-
This song..totally melancholic and gets me and kinda makes me cry for some reason ..the song in the context of the movie plot also makes it even more sad for me

19/Nelly furtado-Turn off the lights--Very interesting sound this song has got..catchy , rappy and yet dreamy at the same time

20/Pearl jam-The fixer -You should see them in concert..they are like the idea of sexy ..and powerful  vocals .There is  something of that older-man-sexy  about them...powerful vocals.. me likes(wink wink)

21/Chad Blondel-Pretty eyes--This guy is an Australian artist-Found him from myspace.This song is slow, chiding and I like it very much .. This song kinda reflects my present situation --totally 

22/Savage garden -Truly,Madly,Deeply -Again, Darren hayes, his voice-ultimately oozing of sexual energy laced with tenderness.. and this song was one of the songs I used to play on the jukebox each day at the cafe while in med school.

23/Jamiroquai-Seven days in sunny june-This song will take me back to summer in my is like sliding on ice and yet it is summer--The song slides into your ears, I say! Totally ! My absolute favorite.

24/Shakira feat Alexandro -La Tortura--Totally reflects the mood..damn..the cooing tones of the voices..totally charged with sexuality 

25/Carling New kings-She won't love me like you --This song is interesting in its lyrics and somehow takes me back to 2006 -the summery afternoons

26/Maroon 5-Sunday morning--Duh,,if it is sunday morning, what song is better than SUNDAY MORNING, RAIN IS FALLING..each time i listen, i feel rain is falling...totally rocks!

27/Shania Twain-That don't impress me much-The lyrics make me giggle for some reason..sweet...I often think of this song when guys find silly way to try to impress me..

28/OST-The Departed-Movie-The guitar solo right when the rat walks on the railing-Maaaan,,this is truly some melodic guitar shredding!

29/The fugees-Killing me softly-Again, one of the very first songs I downloaded onto my laptop when i bought it years ago-very dreamy, very flowy, very groovy...smoothhhhh! Apt for this occasion and state of mind

30/The script-Break even-Apt lyrics-Coz I got time and she got freedom,coz, when a heart breaks, it don't break even!

31/OST-Top gun-Movie-Take my Breath Away ! Again, need I explain?Lyrics, baby!

32/Venessa Paradis-Be my baby--Again, this lady is the Baby mama of kids of that guy from that pirate movie-johnny depp?

33/Maroon 5-Wake up call -Again, any song by Maroon 5 will work for any Intense mood...any sexy mood ..any damn mood, I say!

34/Connie Francis-Who is sorry now---Golden Oldies--very interesting lyrics.......

35/Maroon 5- Woman  Again,,what can I say..Adam levine==sexual voice. Totally suits this mood!

36/TOUCH AND GO - Would you?\
 Lyrics > I find you very attractive,Noticed you around..Would you? Ummmm..would you go to bed with me?
Now 36 is one song.. that will totally turn me on and i will go into one of those jolly(wink wink) moods..NO, totally! This song will get to me and will start to make me grin..totally! VERY SEXY

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