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Sunday, August 31, 2008

It never sucks to be alive-Acknowledgement of pain !My advice to an old friend

I left this as a comment on someone else's blog, but during the course of the moment, i managed to acknowledge and embrace a painful past moment and therefore the repost here on my blog.
Here goes

I said...

It is a well written article whose writer largely draws from the writing style of classic novels from the 1880-1920s.Better than most tabloids that take pains to describe the hair color of the woman that he opened doors for.Having said that, But , if someone actually during the course of the interview actually thought that it was okay to ask him a question like "Are you lonely?" at this crucial juncture of his life, hmmmmmmm,what can i say? A delicate question at a most inopportune vulnerable moment?They could have rather NOT ASKED HIM, if he was lonely.

Either ways,  Sweetie, If during the course of the interview if you actually said something like what they quote you said which goes much like
QUOTE"Sometimes it sucks to be alive," he says.UNQUOTE,

I have to take the time to tell you that It never sucks to be alive..sure there are moments we feel that it sucks,,but, trust me,,This sucking moment that you think will never pass, actually passes and a couple of years down the line, you sit and muse at how pained you must have been at the past moment when you actually said to yourself that it sucks to be alive.

Trust me..I know that you think that your life is defined by your guitar and your music alone.As wonderful as your music and talent in music is, I would probably hold you in high regard even if you had not been good at music , had you still continued to be this person with much insight and wonderful words.

Even if you had not been a musician and had i met and had you been as smart and insightful in your observations on life as you are now (have always been), I would have still liked you ..

It would still not have sucked to have been alive , you see....So,,Hold on and the moment shall pass.

Why I take pains to say these things in elaborate comments each time is because, you say and do and react to things in the exact manner that i do and then I feel this moral responsibility to reach out to you .

Two years ago, inspite of being the enterprising person that i was and am, i ended up saying over the phone to my sis , something like , " NOw that i am born, i have to live , right?I can't stop being born just coz this moment is too tough to deal with , right?"

days after that , i was baffled that i was in such a down place at the moment that i said such words to my sister on the phone.

Time has passed.Many things happenned since then.I am as enterprising as always.

A couple of years down the line,,I wonder at that moment , I can't recall the pain..but tell myself that the pain must sure have been too much back then for me to have said that ...

So, yeah, trust me, the pain passes..It goes away and you forget how it felt.hugs and much love.
be a good boy, don't lose yourself..k?
August 31, 2008 11:08 PM

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