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your plate is full,
My plate is full too,
Let us clear up our own plates,
lick them clean,
soap them up ,
and wash them clean,
then come back to the table,
with cleaner plates,
equally shiny ,
equally new slates,
let us bring something similar,
to the table of our love,
our love,
our love,
our love,
then on,
we have dinners together,
each night over chatter,
on our plates,
and then we do our dishes together,
amidst chatter and love,
our love ,
our love ,
our love.
So,let us clear up our plates,
and wash up our dishes,
for this fresh new start,
in our kitchen,
on our table,
with our clean plates.
POEM BY DR.A.R aka lecinqblog
tAGS: mr_purple, old_love, new_start ,dormant_goes_active, love,sweet_love,dearest