This was my profile pic on twitter from jan 15-feb 15 2010 .The profile pic is very dark..quite in contrast to my white background pic. The profile pic is quite a representation of my state of mind back then.Anger predominated. and hence the dark dark profile pic.It is a visage of my face in spray paint white over dark ponte charcoal brown

And this was my page background on twitter from jan 15-feb 15 2010 .This visual art piece is titled NAVY BLUE-NEON ICE-PRETTY LADY.Navy blue for the eye color,neon ice for the brush strokes in the rest of the portrait and pretty lady being my face there.
The white background was in contrast to my dark profile picture-much representative of my recuperative spirit.I meet a lot of dark souls in my day to day life.Though their negative spirit might dampen mine occasionally or temporarily, i recuperate back to my white happy soul very soon.