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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Review of MJ's funeral memorial service

I know , I know!
Some of you are already gasping after having read the blog header
Well, "oh my god.She is going to the extent of reviewing a funeral service! How disrespectful of her!"
Well, first off, Though the Idea of reviewing someone's funeral service might come across as obscene, I feel the compulsion to do it.I feel obligated to do it, as a mark of respect to MJ.
Also, because , 10 years down the line, People will be googling to find out a real account of the funeral and I need some real honest record of it to exist somewhere for people to read.
And yes, ten years down the line, I know that Google will still be going strong and people will still be using google as their search tool.I am so hopeful like that inspite of the Microsoft-yahoo merger in an attempt to take on the Google giant.Microsoft is a greedy little shark with no respect for ethics or privacy .So, i don't like them..I like Google..I like Google.

Now for the review:
First off, I hate it that the abusive father and the estranged brothers and sisters got to organize this memorial.
The people,Whom in real life, he had decided not to be in contact with.
The whole family then sits there in the front row wearing dark shades.
I think that wearing dark shades all in a row, like some MEN IN BLACK team , is very disrespectful indeed.
The so called family sat there in the first row.The eldest daughter of MJ , all of 12 yrs old, very unsure..afraid, almost with an expression of->eager and wanting to please the people who probably she hopes will be good to her now that her only papa is gone and gone forever.
The son , a little younger , also sitting beside the grandmother, younger than the daughter,typical of how little boys are trained in this society, chewing gum like a camel, all in attempt to show he is cool, he is okay, he is strong and he can manage on his own coz he is DA MAN..Sad, but he is all but a child, having suddenly lost his father and now having to sit beside this whole bunch of men and women wearing dark shades, perfect strangers, suddenly pretending to be family.
A child chewing gum like that only means that the kid is very nervous, and yet is even scared to show his emotion coz he is scared to appear emotionally vulnerable. Why scared? because he doesn't trust anyone around now.. Better behave like you are unafraid and what better way to do so than chew gum nonchalantly to show that he is not afraid.
The third kid, the youngest, kinda had this "Deer in headlights " look. Too young to understand the gravity.. but surely the kid knew something was up. Was the third one even there or was I seeing things? Can't say.I was partly dazed at the sudden death.
No matter what MJ did in his life.. he really was a great talent.. A great talent who had to deal with the greediness of a large family,his own family, which wanted to cash in on his talent.. Black families can be like that..Not just black families but all communities that constantly yap about how family is the most important thing in life , do this.Such communities and families put up a fake image for the neighbors when a lot of nasty things are pushed under the carpet.. A lot of abuse happens and yet, everyone is supposed to pretend like they are happy .why? I have no idea..To put a good show? why?
Anyways, My aim here was to review the funeral service and not their lives..So lets get to business
The family had requested famous singers to come and perform .. and I am sure , half of them came out of a mark of respect ..Sometimes , its like, you just can't refuse coz the Guy is dead..this is not the time to say No.
I am so worried for the children ..really..that family ..they look like a bunch of ruthless money sharks. It has been only a month or more after his death AND THE WHOLE FAMILY IS EAGER TO PUT OUT A FAMILY ALBUM TRYING TO CASH IN ON THE DEATH OF MJ. and they are trying to pass it off a tribute to MJ..They have no business putting out an album at all.. Seriously, if he meant anything to you guys, you would be really grieving his death, and not putting out albums trying to cash in on the mass mania that his death has brought about. In fact the news that the whole family is trying to rope in famous singers to participate in this tribute album is what finally prompted me to post a review of his funeral service .there is a limit to shamelessness.. The guy is dead. PLEASE DON'T MAKE HIM THE CASH COW EVEN AFTER HIS DEATH.I just hope no one buys this tribute album..Don't buy anything this family puts out... Don't feed the greedy sharks.
Anyways, The funeral service happened at the Staples center and all fans were asked to participate in a lucky draw and some few lucky got chosen randomly out of the whole lot and they got to enter and attend .So,everyone got a chance to try their luck and if they didn't make it , it was sheer odds .After all there is only that many people they could accommodate at the staples center.So, that part was done fair and square.
There was a musical performance -A tribute of sorts..
All these popular singers came and sang on stage and paid their respects with their music..which was fine..After all what other way to pay tribute than to sing or perform music.I am not going to review their performance here.But special mentions->Jennifer Hudson's performance and Stevie wonder's performance felt more close to the heart and sincere than the others. Hence the special mentions.
Some of them came and spoke. The worst part was the speech of Brooke shields .It was at one time speculated that they dated.She spoke at the funeral.she kept speaking and crying alternately.She kept saying about how being a public figure and the lack of privacy thereof was a common factor that united them.. hmmmm... well, for one..MJ was a talent.. he sang..his music is world class.. Brooke shields on the other hand , is or was a model.. Modelling cannot be equated to musical talent.. I am sorry lady.. there is a lot of difference between your kinda famous and his kinda famous... Also, I think, Models are quite aware that their contributions are not really as significant as much as the some of the other real talents in tinsel town which also explains their constant feelings of worthlessness or depression especially since they are paid so much in comparison to what seeminly is an easy job.. I know, some models are now going to come running to say how tough modelling is,,how much of drugs and abuse goes on there, how much of travelling they have to do and all that bullshit.All i have to say is.. well,, it might be difficult ..but not more difficult than so many other jobs.. No one asks you take drugs. and drugs is not part of modeling.. I was telling the modeling is easy... if you take drugs as a model and mess up your life.. that is not a part of your official job description..So stop overplaying the importance of your job.There are far more important jobs in this world.Modeling is really a dispensable one.
And so .. I felt that it was stupid of her to stand there at MJs funeral and ramble on and on about how both of them could relate to each other because both of them were very famous.. She rambled about about how at Elizabeth Taylor's wedding they were playing around like children.Seriously.. what was she thinking?..she could have made her speech shorter and said something more sensible..But instead she was desperate and eager to show that she was someone connected to MJ..Ridiculous and unnecessary it was..
There were these two basketball players who came on..Magic johnson was just fine..short, sweet, few lines. Then this other black guy(i don't know who he was) -I am presuming that he was another player too..He took the opportunity not to really pay homage to MJ but to sit and say things which indirectly implied that MJ ate chicken.It seemed like he was more eager to clarify that MJ was not a vegetarian more than anything else.You see, soon after MJ's death so many news items about MJ's vegetarianism were making the rounds..So,this guy , saw his role in shattering that myth and making sure that no one goes on the path of vegetarianism by believing those rumors . He took it upon himself to make sure he clarifies this piece of news at the memorial service of all places..Seriously! he goes on and on about this story about how the first time he visited MJ's house, the butler asks him what he wants to eat.. and he then asks for Fried chicken and then later how MJ shares a bucket of KFC fried chicken with him .. I don't know.. Did KFC pay him to say that? Is a funeral a place to sit and talk about a bucket of KFC? product placement. Gosh! Geez!
Whatever it was...some of these speakers had their own agenda and that agenda didn't quite reflect any true intention of paying homage to MJ..
There was this black couple which came on stage and i have no idea what they spoke.but they spoke and spoke.. Its like..even on his funeral day..everyone was fighting for the spotlight. Its like..LETS MAKE THE MOST OF THIS..
The only bright point of the funeral service were the musical performances.. if at all there can be bright point at a funeral at all
hmmmmmm. Made me realize how emotionally dead people can be.. yeah they are dead in their soul even before they are physically dead.. So,,let MJ's soul rest in peace..though i really don't believe in afterlife and all that jazz. I hope the children manage to not get damaged till one of them reaches 16 and then seeks emancipation and seeks custody of the rest of their siblings..Because at this point, the children are being looked at as the Golden geese.. I feel sad about that.

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