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Sunday, June 15, 2008

The lakehouse?Logical ending?Time as a continuum

I used to have a blog elsewhere...I used to do some elaborate movie and music reviews there..and just like that ..One day..I left from there
I seem to not want to do the movie reviews anymore..Watched lakehouse...kinda pleasant to watch...that is all there is..My movie review...the last scene just doesn't make sense can someone that died come back to like two years later?
I mean...she waited for him at a restuarant , right?in 2006..she waited for him at the restaurant.he never came coz by then he was already dead..that thing already happenned...yeah? come again in 2008..she waits at the box while it is stilll 2006 for him and prevents him from getting run over the by the bus...well..either the incidents in his 2006 didn't happen or the incidents in her 2006 didn't happen..both of them couldn't have happenned....Time was their thread of continuum , wasn't it?
either ways it is better than a movie solely based on a cheerleadin competition..the teenage cheerleading movies..i just don't get them though... just an attempt to feed a semi pedophilic fetish or what?
Come on..there are a lot of things that teenagers have to deal with in their lives besides just a cheerleading competition...let us talk about college admissions, sibling rivalry, sexual abuse,teenage pregnancy and if at all they want to talk about about the local science fair or someone wanting to enter med school...come on..cut me some break..They make it look as if all women out there are stupid teenagers who think that winning a cheerleading competition is the ultimate thing they will ever achieve

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

This never happened before-Paul Mc cartney

Can you believe it>
just as I typed the title for this blog entry..I kept trying to figure what was wrong with the spelling of happenned ..and then i thought it was hapenned and that didnt look nice.Finally i figured it was happened..hmmmmm..Imagine , how many times i must have read this word..yet I seem to have somehow managed to forget the spelling..HMMMM..My frontal lobes have sustained quite some injuries .but for this to happen to my concentration and!
I just heard this song a lil while ago and it took me to a whole other place , a warm , pleasant
place where i can lay back and take it all in when the rain is gently falling in the background.
Just wanted to save the lyrics so that i can practice singing this song at a later time

This song is written and sung by Paul Mc cartney..yeah .the beatles guy...I also like his this other song whose name i quite forget at this give moment but the video visual for that music video were kinda interesting in a certain way.HMMM
Here go the lyrics

i'm very sure this never happened to me before
i met you and now i'm surethis never happened before
now i see this is the way it's supposed to be
i met you and now i see
this is the way it should be
this is the way it should be
for loversthey shouldn't go it alone
it's not so good when you're on your own
so come to me
now we can be what we wanna be
i love you and now i see
this is the way it should bethis is the way it should be
this is the way it should be for lovers
they shouldn't go it alone
it's not so good when you're on your own
i'm very sure this never happened to me before
i met you and now i'm sure
this never happened before (this never happened before)
this never happened before (this never happened)
this never happened before (this never happened before)

Monday, June 2, 2008

BeeGees and Christmas trees

Hmmmm.The beegees, their music, the distinctly semi feminine voices.
All i want to say is that their music sure has touched me.
I clearly remember a couple of sentences from one of of their songs
"When we were small and christmas trees were tall" and the song proceeds to "Now we are tall and christmas trees are small"
Just as i type these lyrics, I start humming those songs and it transports me to my first year at medschool.Used to listen to Beegees and Elvis a lot back then.Hmmmm.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Kenny G and Magic !

Kenny G and magic ! I was first introduced to Kenny G's magic more than a decade ago (15yrs ago?Not sure ) when i watched the grammy's award night ,way back then. Those were some days..when i was just starting to be a teenager.I went an purchased some Kenny G audio cassettes with the money i saved from my Gas money..Hmmm....Kenny G has this magical soothing effect on me..where within minutes of starting to listening to the sax... i slowly go into the semi hypnotic mode and then after sometime , all i am doing is closing my eyes , and letting out satisfactory semigroans(no obscenity or sexual connotations intended at all) .The Saxaphone by itself has a calming effect i suppose, but kenny somehow adds the depths to those already calming tones.Years went by after that , and over those years, i moved on to Elvis, and REM and George Michael( i know i know..I moved to artists in a retrospective manner- but, hey, I am born much later than these artists, I still have the right to go back and discover their music and love them, don't I?), I move on to savage garden and a many other singers, songwriters and composers and As of now, IN 2008, MY LAPTOP still has kenny somewhere on its music collection but i never get myself around to actually listening to him anymore.Just three days ago ,that changed, Finally ! I went back and looked at all my music archives, dished out the kenny G and clicked on PLAY, and within two minutes I was back in that semi nirvana state where i am going all "OH , wow, OH my god ,this is so great ! "

This is how my personals page might look !

I have no idea which internet perverts are going to read this and target me .
but hey, Please take this blog entry with a pinch of salt, K?
I wrote this entry myself , so i don't want anyone lifting off this material and sending chain emails of it saying "Hey, Look this is such a fun read".

I totally abhor it when people steal well written stuff off the net and pass it on like nobody's business.Anyways ,

My personals page might read something like this
Wanted a young tall handsome man not older than 33,single, never ever married,Not in a present relationship of any kind(however vague or undefinedly ambiguous it might be) with no children from previous relationships,yeah btw, Not gay or bisexual or bicurious(we have a lot of those ) and who has six pack abs(but no man boobs-even the ones who work out too much end up with flat man boobs) and who has a postgraduate college degree and someone who is able to understand and assimilate well written words in a book or newspaper or otherwise, Is able to appreciate nature ,Is environmentally conscious , Doesn't eat fauna as food, Respects every life as much as his own, Understands the concept of monogamy and looks at a relationship as a colloboration between equals,Someone who will try anything ethical once or twice ,hmmmmmmmmm..yeah, i don't want any nasty smokers and drinkers .I am essentially looking for a person with a good liver and lungs and no cancer risks aka someone who is a teetotaller..LOL
I am pretty sure some married guy who has a pot belly with beer beside him is reading this while taking a puff and yelling back at his wife while his child is wailing in the background and is coyly getting ready to comment on this blog entry saying how much he so fits this bill..

I wonder why people think it is okay to lie on the internet..People forgive themselves for doing all kindsa jerky things as long as it is with someone on the internet..gosh !

People need to remember that people on the internet are real people too ...just like they are ...Anyways.....i gotta go

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